Example sentences of "might [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I can not understand my conception of the world in terms of , or reduce it to , some account of my dispositions , as it seems plausible one might for the rat 's ( or any third person 's ) conception of the world and its dispositions .
2 Like last year , it also seeks a disapplication of the pre-VXKVK rights on a rights issue so as to allow the Directors , when making a rights issue , to exclude or make such other arrangements as may be appropriate to resolve legal or practical problems which might for example arise with overseas shareholders .
3 Part of the LEATGS grant might for example , be delegated for schools to administer , but they would have to spend it for the specified purpose of in-service training .
4 Haydon should take comfort , said the novelist , from knowing that no species of legal distress could attack the internal resources of genius , though it might for a time palsy its hand .
5 Perhaps , too , the archaic words might for a brief minute live again :
6 So far we have considered primacy either as a manifestation of corporate tradition , or as a factor in Anselm 's relations with the pope , the archbishop of York , and other interested parties who might for one reason or another support or oppose Anselm 's claims .
7 The notion of difference of level between quite different programming languages can equally well be expressed within a single language : at a single level of language , say of the programming language LISP , one normally defines a function in terms of sub-functions , so that I might for example write a function WALK(x) ( where x ranges over walkers ) whose sub-functions ( to be executed in order ) might be some form of LIFT-RIGHT-LEG ; FLEX-RIGHT-FOOT ; and so on ( I am not suggesting that sequence would be even remotely plausible in fact ) .
8 He might for example , have shown himself to be a ‘ little hard-nut ’ .
9 Less note was taken by the CECOS Report of other ways of spending leisure , but a few mentions indicate that girls might for instance go to sewing classes , sing in choirs , and in one case learn " skirt dancing " .
10 And he wanted to make similar remarks about our initial belief that though we use the same language and agree on the words with which to describe the colours of the objects around us , still we might for all we know see the objects completely differently ; an object that causes in me what I call a sensation of red may cause in you what I would call a sensation of blue , though we can never know this since we will continue to agree on what to say and on how to act in our differently coloured environments ( we will all stop at a red traffic light , for instance ) .
11 We might for example want to find out if it 's freezing outside without going outside to feel directly how cold it is .
12 Well he might for instance let us come over and and play with CorelDraw for an hour in one evening or something like that .
13 Nevertheless , Jules could not have been serious in his suggestion that she might for one single instant consider becoming Monsieur 's mistress .
14 An animal might for instance prepare itself for a fight by learning a particular association between some noise and the appearance of its enemy in the near future .
15 This means changing people 's way of thinking and working , maybe breaking down fences and getting them to share information they might for some reason be reluctant to divulge .
16 A clause might for example claim ( i ) to exclude liability for certain fundamental breaches of contract and ( ii ) to limit any damages to a maximum of £5,000 .
17 Since married men were normally exempt , youths in some areas might for this reason marry as young as fourteen or fifteen and be given a small piece of land by their parents to maintain themselves : the proliferation of very small peasant holdings in Denmark has been attributed to this factor .
18 Thus , though one might for some purposes characterise the human sciences as concerned with human behaviour in all its fullness this is to misrepresent what turn out to be very different ways of looking at or being interested in the world of human beings .
19 You might for example have a card on the theme/keyword " the sublime " , including notes drawn from a number of different books .
20 There might for example be an editor , compiler or translator .
21 You might for example define Romanticism as " an artistic movement centrally concerned with the relationship between the self and others " .
22 He might for example be led by ( 8 ) and ( 9 ) to suggest that white is ambiguous , for in ( 8 ) it seems to mean " only or wholly white " while in ( 9 ) it can only mean " partially white " : ( 8 ) The flag is white ( 9 ) The flag is white , red and blue The semanticist who takes the other tack , that natural language senses are protean , sloppy and variable , is hardly in a better position : how do hearers then know ( which they certainly do ) just which variable value of white is involved in ( 8 ) ?
23 Erm there might for example be economic differences .
24 No what we said was that if you were interested to see if two variables are associated , this is for a pi squared you might look at sex differences , men and women , and smoking or non-smoking now if they were associated what we 've said is that you might for example ex in fact women 'll probably smoke more than men .
25 Hate him as she might for his intractability , sheer common sense forced her to agree with him .
26 No , no compensation as such , there are opportunities occasionally for landowners to ask that er one of the houses might for example be used for one of their own workers er when that worker retires , that type of thing .
27 We also have in the area a tremendous number of new houses which have never been contacted by us or for by any political party and I would hope that we might be able to do er something about the area behind the church there is er an area that comes to mind which could well be fruitful , and I would hope that we might during this year get er some kind of literature out to these places apart from election literature .
28 On 10 May 1794 , Huntingford wrote to the Speaker of the House of Commons ( who had himself been elected a vice-president of the College ) as follows : ‘ Honble Sir , I should not have taken the liberty of troubling you on the subject of the Veterinary College did not the recent business of Wm Stone who stands charged with High Treason prove the cause of his exerting himself to my prejudice in favor of M Vial the late Professor , to be that he might establish a French Connection in that Institution in order that he might through the channel carry on his correspondence with the enemy .
29 Daniel told them how at this time God had so loved the world that he had sent his only son to give it life , to be made just like them , so that God might live man 's life and man might through him come close to God .
30 The low price of sugar before 1690 , the dangers of war after 1690 , the Company 's inadequate provision for depreciation , and the planters ' unwillingness to pay their debts , might between them have ruined the Company in any case , but the end of the monopoly must have contributed something to the collapse .
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