Example sentences of "[adv] be restricted [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Should they necessarily be restricted to electoral variations , or even to activity around state institutions such as local government ?
2 The shift to a broader notion of fairness is said to alter fundamentally the basis of procedural intervention : it can no longer be restricted to adjudicative settings , and there can no longer be fixed standards for determining whether there has been a breach of procedural fairness .
3 Er in very briefly and I shall er expand the argument a min in a minute , my amendments five , eight and eleven provide that the size of a police authority should no longer be restricted to sixteen members , but should be er er by order er a somewhere between sixteen and twenty-four members and that two-thirds of those members should be er appoint er er amen appoint appointed by local authorities in the area concerned .
4 Adjectives like useful and interesting will normally be restricted to prenominal position .
5 The Danish Prime Minister , Mr Poul Schluter , insisted that the future union could not be restricted to purely monetary issues but would have to involve an increasing convergence of economic policies and objectives for growth , inflation , and employment .
6 This is an important concept , because the 1988 Act states that total admissions in any school year must not be restricted to a number below the school 's standard number .
7 This principle might not be restricted to cases of misconduct or lack of capability .
8 Culyer and Brazier ( 1988 ) described the Enthoven model but argued that ‘ since it is usually supposed that the competition for contracts would not be restricted to NHS institutions we prefer the term ‘ provider markets ’ to the more usual ‘ internal markets ’ ’ .
9 And of course that epithet should not be restricted to science ; it is even possible to tolerate its importation into fields such as theology , and street walking in Darlington .
10 their demand for control can not be restricted to one of self-government within the enterprise , but it will have to aim at the development of a complex institutional system that will be able to strike a balance between the need for worker autonomy within the enterprise on the one hand , and the need for economic co-ordination at higher economic levels on the other .
11 The new careers service will not be restricted to helping young people — there will also be scope to assist unemployed adults , people faced with redundancy or those seeking a career change .
12 However , we stressed that the set of terms should not be restricted to those for parts of speech .
13 That is , learning need not be restricted to the orthodox educational system and also that learning , as a process , is essentially self-centred , and self-organised .
14 The social system is dynamic and our models of language must take account of this and not be restricted to idealised models of ‘ literal meaning ’ .
15 In more recent work , Professor Stewart argues that , although the corporate approach retains its purpose as a challenge to the dominant functional perspective , the ‘ concern of the new management can not be restricted to the corporate centre ’ ( Stewart 1986 : 148 ; cf Stewart 1989 ) .
16 Nor did it seem apparent to all that the war fought at sea , the damage which might be inflicted upon enemy vessels and morale , and the consequences which victory at sea could have for those who lived in areas close to coasts , were all part of a wider war which could not be restricted to the fighting on land .
17 First , individual households will not be restricted to nuclear families , i.e. parents and their children .
18 As such , it can not be restricted to the description of linguistic forms independent of the purposes or functions which those forms are designed to serve in human affairs .
19 Public health could not be restricted to the surveillance and prevention of specific maladies .
20 Participation should not be restricted to linguists : art teachers , drama teachers , humanities teachers , all have a contribution to make .
21 The choice should be greater because your local health authority will not be restricted to making agreements on services with hospitals within its own boundaries .
22 This being so , liability would not be restricted to those persons named in the advance notice of the procession given in accordance with section 11 , but would also be imposed on marshalls or stewards who , for example , knowingly incited participants to ignore the conditions imposed .
23 A needs-led approach should begin from but not be restricted to the user 's definition , as this may be limited by low expectations or lack of knowledge about resources ( Fisher , 1991 ) .
24 A key in this context is taken in its widest definition — an artificial system for identifying animals or plants ; the term key should not be restricted to the dichotomous kind .
25 A space audit need not be restricted to simply shuffling people around a building and could take in aspects such as energy , said .
26 Placing individuals in the categories " male " or " female " , " working class " or " middle class " are cases in point , though nominal scales need not be restricted to dichotomies .
27 We suggest that guidelines to limit the acquisition of P cepacia should not be restricted to patients in hospital , and that intimate or frequent social contact is associated with a high risk of cross-infection .
28 Use of oral history , for instance , should not be restricted to Key Stage 1 .
29 This broad sense should include the ironic , metaphoric and implicit communicative content of an utterance , and so it can not be restricted to the conventional content of what is said .
30 Can we please have our walking space back and not be restricted to ‘ pavement space ’ imposed on us by the stalls ?
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