Example sentences of "between the " in BNC.

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1 You have to read between the lines .
2 Parisian cultural life between the wars was close-knit ; writers and artists gave each other mutual support .
3 Like Apollinaire , they saw a rift between the old century and the new .
4 Perhaps the first , and in the end the most lasting , impression that one carries away , is of the contrast between the golden-cream light and space and the exquisite feeling of harmony engendered by the ceiling as opposed to the deep blue darkness and turmoil of the ‘ Last Judgment ’ .
5 The reverse of the coin is internationalism , a feature , some might say , of twentieth-century art ; not so uncommon either in other periods , where art historians struggle heroically to identify differences between the art of one country and another .
6 Differences exist between the media of tempera and oil , or oil and acrylic , but they do not have the importance of contrasts in other material processes .
7 The versatile artist raises the question of relationship between the arts , and how far they can be considered to have the same or similar aims .
8 Another example from the 1980s allows us to hear a conversation between the critic Norbert Lynton and the painter Ken Kiff .
9 Albert Barnes , the rich American industrialist who formed an outstanding collection between the wars , certainly promoted his personal theories .
10 What relationship exists between the painting and the vision of reality that the artist has before his eyes ?
11 This picture goes straight to my heart ; I should like to lean against that tree between the old man and the girl and listen while the youth played .
12 Guerrillas , then , is shaped in order to accommodate its three zones , and in accordance with a distinction between the political and the phantasmagorical , though there are moments when phantasmagoria , futility , threatens to envelop the island — Grange , Ridge , gangs , government , politics and all .
13 But in The Emperor no detail is adduced that might bring out what differences there could have been between the courtiers and petitioners of Ethiopia and their counterparts elsewhere in the world .
14 These two people had enacted what we have long been accustomed to think of as a romantic programme , whereby love and death converge , and dying young is the thing to do , whereby other people , and common life , are a thing to be escaped from , and a tension develops between the duty to a partner and a cultivation of the self , between the dictates of an amour fou and an amour de soi .
15 These two people had enacted what we have long been accustomed to think of as a romantic programme , whereby love and death converge , and dying young is the thing to do , whereby other people , and common life , are a thing to be escaped from , and a tension develops between the duty to a partner and a cultivation of the self , between the dictates of an amour fou and an amour de soi .
16 There is a ‘ barrier ’ between the attractive and the unattractive — between , as Graham puts it on a later occasion , the ‘ beggars ’ and ‘ choosers ’ of the sexual life .
17 Elsewhere , Frank Kermode has applied it to the fictions of Evelyn Waugh and Muriel Spark ( ‘ no matter what the characters say they all speak in some version of her voice ’ ) , while linking it with Bakhtin 's distinction , well-known now both in Russia and in the West , between the ‘ monologic ’ and the ‘ dialogic ’ imagination .
18 In the fictions that lay ahead , however , the relationship between the author and his characters is subjected to an intense elaboration .
19 The conversation in Zuckerman Unbound between the novelist and his mother , in which he tenderly instructs her in how to field the intrusions that arise from the Carnovsky outrage , reads authentically , autobiographically , enough , while showing a good Jewish son .
20 Clearly , there is a difference in scale and dimension between the stage , the television screen and the cinema screen , which demand changes in direction and in acting technique .
21 And of course holding together a part like Juliet with long gaps between the performance nights and no real rehearsal in between is difficult to do — that can be rather hairy .
22 The chief purpose of the chapter is to outline how the two opposing groups in Ireland developed their dominant beliefs in the context of the new states of Ireland , and moulded the states to support them , strengthening antagonisms between the two groups .
23 The Northern Ireland statelet was founded on an alliance between the protestant loyalists of Ulster and British imperial and capital interests , particularly as represented by the conservative party .
24 This does not mean that there is no cultural convergence at all between the two alliances in Ireland .
25 The annual meetings of the churches ' central bodies are a forum for religious political debate and have been known to express tensions between the values of the majority Northern and minority Southern protestants .
26 It is likely that the inner core of local church laity , such as select vestry members of the Church of Ireland and presbyterian elders , provided and still provide one of the links between the material and spiritual interests of the groups in the alliance , as these laity were and are active in the business and commercial fields also .
27 A fuller account of these two groups of dominant beliefs benefits from some comparison between the two .
28 He is careful not to promote the theme of reunification , but talks of discovering ‘ a new way ’ , setting up structures of co-operation in the North between the two Northern Communities , with the support of the Southern government .
29 It is likely that a good many protestant loyalists oscillate between the two and still have to come to their moment of decision , one that is likely to be forced on them by future events .
30 Despite this development , the struggle between the two previously warring factions has continued , the original republicans developing a populist , nationalist party , and the former treaty party developing a concern with law and order , and moderation on the national question .
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