Example sentences of "one as " in BNC.

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1 He made one as if he should try and comfort her , but turned away , walked upstage and on the balcony with his back to the audience , raised his arms widely only to drop them helplessly .
2 It is a supreme displacement of the rival male via the very woman whom each struggles to possess , the one as father , the other as ‘ lover ’ .
3 An election may also be a realigning one in that it produces a long-term shift in the balance of support between the parties , perhaps installing one as the new majority .
4 That feat , and just two single deliveries , one as a bowler , one as a bat , have already put Hemmings in the all-time , gold-leafed parchment scrolls .
5 Families are like constellations of stars : we see each one as an entity , because they make some recognisable design , yet the individual stars are scattered all over the universe , apart .
6 The RSC offers one as part of its post experience courses portfolio .
7 If you do decide to fit an SU pump , fit it either under the seat or bonnet depending on the type of pump you use and dispense with the original mechanical one as one pump will have difficulty pulling fuel through the other .
8 Furthermore , the duty to uphold and support just institutions is , in some respects , wider than the duty which devolves on one as a result of the fact that someone has legitimate authority over one , in three different ways .
9 It was not their only misinterpretation or a highly complex personality , but it was to turn out to be a very serious one as events were shortly to prove .
10 I went past one as the sounds of the seven o'clock service grew from behind the gaping shutters .
11 Finger Slapping This finger slaps into that one as wrist gets sloppy
12 The real problem here , because of the nature of the legal framework , is not so much a legal one as one of evidence .
13 Based on evolutionary considerations , the small anterior digit is designated digit 2 , the large central one as digit 3 , and the posterior , middle-sized digit , as digit 4 .
14 Although 618 remained a prototype , it paved the way for rebuilding the remaining railcoaches as one-man cars , including this one as OMO car 13. ( left )
15 Sadly their honeymoon was a short one as Killigrew had , so , he sorrowfully informed his new bride , to hasten to Exeter , where he was to sit on the bench in the City 's courts .
16 Obviously at some time in the past , Farrs had put a new body on the chassis and Dad had seen the possibilities of the old one as an allotment shed .
17 Not one of us begins life feeling angry or frustrated , no one as an infant is dissatisfied or lacks feelings of self worth .
18 Jesus was not being poetic when he described the Evil One as ‘ the father of lies ’ .
19 Most players have a battered specimen lying around in a cupboard somewhere ; a few sensible types even use one as their main instrument , and as a result will probably retain their hearing well into the next century .
20 Well , he might have kept one as a spare , but I rather suspect he 'd have handed it to a friend with strict instructions to thrash it to death and to return it in five years ’ time …
21 This so enraged their mother Dilga that she drowned all the Cat-people in a river of milk and reincarnated her sons , one as a giant water-snake , the other as a placid white cloud .
22 Each mutually supports the other one as a compendium of conceptual and communicative resource .
23 This being so , I would like us to examine some of the implications of a Christianity without the Evil One as opponent .
24 We are entitled on the basis of the biblical witness to see the Evil One as the rebel against God , the usurper who became the prince of this world , and the Enemy of the church .
25 We must be prepared to understand the Evil One as the Dark Power — that which is evil — rather than elaborating ( new ) mythologies that concentrate on personalised demons and personified devils .
26 Having given up all hope of getting hold of a man for herself alone , she would be prepared to share one as the next best thing .
27 We can quote one as saying ‘ We see it as giving a distinctive edge to our marketing image amongst a predominantly business clientele . ’
28 I also made a documentary about the U-boat campaign which in two world wars had nearly brought us to our knees ; and I have always regretted that after the last war , when we sank so many of them in deep water , we did not keep one as a trophy and bring it up the Thames into the heart of London : it would have been a perennial attraction for every schoolboy in the country .
29 They made realistic models of different types of cuckoo eggs ( realistic enough to fool a leading British ornithologist who unwittingly recorded one as part of a clutch he discovered ) and placed them in the nests of reed warblers to examine the response of the hosts .
30 Sister Casualty handled them all magnificently , each patient differently , and yet each one as if he or she was her sole reason for taking up nursing .
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