Example sentences of "just go " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ay , I wis just goin' to say wee Becky 's seven the day . ’
2 ‘ I 'm just goin' to make one for meself . ’
3 ‘ The best thing for all of us is for me just to go back to London .
4 Boys seem to make an effort only if they are going into a situation where they know they might meet someone they fancy , whereas lots of girls I know will put on make-up just to go to the local shop !
5 My theory is that living in Lincolnshire most roads consist of hundred yard straights followed by a 90° bend to the right then another hundred yard straight and a 90° bend to the left — just to go round somebody 's field — in fact if it was n't for the drainage ditches you could travel in straight lines — assuming you have a Land Rover that is .
6 ‘ I have n't got the money just to go as a traveller , and there are n't that many jobs abroad .
7 At rehearsals , Les Cox agreed it would be wiser not to practise falling down the stairs as it was a skill which took months to acquire — better just to go for it on the night .
8 Just to go out into the night can give a sense of this ; night is not empty darkness — the night can be warm , or stormy , still or windy , and the darkness is charged by this and has a changing life of its own .
9 And I 'm really being enormously selfish at this moment , because what I want is not Richard fussing around — and he does fuss , you know — but just to go back to the terrace and have tea .
10 Erm , just to go back a wee bit to the thing about th the image and and the fight that we have on our hands er , to actually break into the media , I do n't , I think people underestimate the control an and er the feeling that men have that it 's their game and we 're not gon na take it away from them !
11 No , nobody 's ever asked me , but I did say yes , but only because I want to believe it , I do n't care if the rest of you do n't , but I think its very important that you , you 've got the body that your born with and I think its very important just to go on with it and make the best of it .
12 it be known then for that squad just to go right through the gambit and become a fully fledged riveter 's squad and work for their days as a squad ?
13 No , just to go out , cos I 'm wanting
14 just to go out on a Monday with her , cos she does n't have nursery on a Monday , Tiffany .
15 Cos that was about , that must have been about erm er I 'd say time about , yes I should say about nineteen , nineteen thirty four and they built a pipeline out from the sewer outfall and they put two dolphins out there , and they reckon that the water , when it 's purified just to go into the river was really clean water .
16 A wheel designed just to go on turning , never stopping , so that for a hundred years with a hundred more to follow , she had been coming out of this cottage doorway , carrying her carpet-bag , filling her lungs with this damp , sooty air which had started to make Liam cough , reminding herself — as one simply had to do — to be thankful for such mercies as came her way , however small .
17 But he did n't want just to go back to Hereford Road and drink it on his own .
18 ‘ Now , Faye says I 'm just to go ahead , ’ Miranda said crisply , a fortunate intrusion on Belinda 's too-circular thoughts .
19 So it would n't be too big a step just to go to Lyness really it was kind of a natural thing ?
20 Just to go to so and so .
21 I think it would be better , in my own experience , move over to that er the left a little bit just to go for a slightly more interesting composition .
22 It 's just to go up .
23 Er champion of champions we 've , I bought some prizes for the champion of champions , and food er just to go with the trophies er Keith again was our judge and erm knowing that he does n't willingly accept money , he wants to come and do it for nothing erm how many proposed that we buy him something a bottle to take with him , so we bought him a bottle of wine to take with him and er that was the three pound .
24 Mhm , yes , yes just to go along
25 Just to go back a stage , to a comment you made there , you you did say that the inner relief road on one of the routes , on one of those routes , would in fact enable environmental benefits to be felt elsewhere in the town , simply because you 're getting a better distribution of the traffic .
26 Erm just to go over the payments for the car park which has come up actually under community industries and the plants , the total being now for plants it was four hundred and forty four pounds er
27 For some reason I thought it would be better just to go to her so she could see I was all right . ’
28 We want people just to go round the floor . ’
29 What I , what I 'd like to do now is , is just to go through er your existing arrangements that you have with er life assurance policies and we know that er you 've got some existing cover as far as er your mortgage is concerned , erm has erm has Mrs Goodwin got any er life cover ?
30 I do n't want it , I 'm not here just to go and collect trolleys for four hours , and the get really pissed off with it .
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