Example sentences of "than [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The officer was than joined from the next flat by security guard Christopher Coyle , 39 .
2 This change in the nature of the state 's role did not go unresisted , but it was more often deplored than checked .
3 Indeed , they believe that instability in the past has been caused , rather than smoothed out , by governments ' futile attempts at demand-management policies .
4 Reasons of space alone demand that what may appear to be a contentious response to this question be suggested , rather than developed .
5 The strict sabbatarianism enforced by the constables seems to have been more ignored than conformed with by the populace in general , particularly where ‘ immoderate drinking ’ was concerned .
6 Of the 500m tonnes of industrial and domestic waste that OECD Europe produces each year , roughly a third is recovered rather than incinerated or buried .
7 A modern-looking internal power filter could be left exposed , as a feature in itself , rather than hidden behind aquascape features .
8 He sensed more than heard the scuffle of trainer shoes on concrete behind him and threw a casual glance over his shoulder .
9 Something had punched her chest ; she felt the refrigeration unit of her suit cut in , she felt rather than heard the tearing , rippling , screaming boom of the explosion .
10 There was a continuous , low rumble , which Bernice sensed rather than heard .
11 Bernice felt rather than heard the two explosions , like a double heartbeat , and then the corridor was filled with flames .
12 Ellis and Shepherd ( 1974 ) first drew attention to this but a number of experiments by Young and his colleagues have failed to show any influence of age of acquisition of words on dichotic listening ( Young and Ellis , 1980 ) or tachistoscopic hemifield asymmetry ( Ellis and Young , 1977 ; Young and Bion , 1980b ) even when it is the age at which words are first read rather than heard that is under investigation ( Young , Bion and Ellis , 1982 ) .
13 Behind him he felt , rather than heard , Tutilo 's deep intake of breath , and sensed the quiver that passed through him .
14 She felt , rather than heard , how he turned smartly and loped back across the panelled hall towards the door , no doubt to drive the car round into the garage .
15 She moaned , and felt , rather than heard , his sigh of response against her skin .
16 She felt the whispered question rather than heard it .
17 I sensed , rather than heard , my mum come in .
18 She sensed rather than heard the collective sigh of relief that went up as her acceptance rang round the studio just a moment before the signature tune flowed through the headphones , signalling the end of the programme .
19 She felt rather than heard David 's gasp of horror .
20 He believed that he got up and felt his feet sink through the floor while the music from down below came up like vapour and was breathed rather than heard .
21 Lutyens 's ideal of an orderly life run by efficient , invisible servants is more than realised in this immaculately appointed domain .
22 Three days after the Secretary of Defense was charged by the Washington committee to obtain the package of diamonds demanded by Zack , he reported back that the task was taking longer than foreseen .
23 In one study analysis of dietary histories in 29 of 50 diabetics revealed that compliance was adequate for unrefined carbohydrate ( 39 per cent daily energy ) , fibre ( 34 g/day ) and sodium ( 100 mmol/day ) , although dietary fat was higher than intended ( 33 per cent daily energy ) ( Pacy et al , 1984c ) .
24 Renault 's tiny Zoom , with its ability to park sideways , is liable to be shrunk a little more than intended .
25 He divided the errors collected into three categories : substitution errors ( where an incorrect lexical item is produced instead of the target ) ; loss errors ( where a speaker fails to produce any lexical item ) ; and addition errors ( where a speaker produces more lexical items than intended ) .
26 Pollution will then be higher than intended , and possibly disastrous .
27 ’ Increasingly the Regulation was being interpreted in a way which was much wider than intended with applications for review becoming ever more speculative .
28 In her anger , the words had come out slightly louder than intended .
29 With such a disturbing audience of one , Leonora took far longer than intended to serve the meal .
30 It all came about when the eleventh hole was accidentally built nearly twenty metres closer to the house than intended .
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