Example sentences of "come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Sleep had come slowly with anxiety dreams .
2 However , the perm has just come slowly back again .
3 Applications for party status are likely to come most commonly from those entitled to notice of the proceedings ( see 6 below ) .
4 I do n't know about Augusta being my territory but it 's nice to come somewhere where you have won before , obviously , and live off the memories …
5 To come somewhere like this would have been better , somewhere where I had to be in at a certain time , where I could n't have certain people come in .
6 ‘ How would you like to come somewhere cool and tranquil ? ’
7 Animation Works Interaction combines sound ( if your PC is MPC compatible ) , graphics , and animation to come somewhere close to the ultimate Multimedia package .
8 The thing had refused to come right .
9 Now , at last , at the age of 71 , things are starting to come right .
10 My first reply to that is : ‘ It does n't have to come right .
11 To see under the bridge , the mestizo would have to come right down into the water .
12 The people of Tiree were very kind , and I had to take tea with a family who had good English , and invited me to come right away and remain their guest while I stayed on the island .
13 When she had finished she turned to Nara , who had just come back with the things she needed and was peering round the door , as if he was too scared of her magic to come right in .
14 Well if you did n't there 'd be so much change on the bail that they all start to fall off and there 'd be all one big muddle cos that and as chain coming down that used to come right down into the chain locker to the bottom of the ships .
15 Do you need me to come right now ? ’
16 Knowing what you 'd like to say and actually having the courage to come right out with it are two different things .
17 ‘ Three days after his father died , when it seemed everything would begin to come right for us , that he would be able to leave that business and I would get out of here … ’
18 Telling the caller to come right away , Sophie reflected wryly that fate was against her , and when Helen decided that she was n't needed in the surgery it seemed that she was destined to face Robert alone .
19 We know more about Milton , his personal concerns and his literary plans than we do about any other poet of his time , and indeed it may be that we have to come right up to the nineteenth century before we learn so much about the inner life of any poet .
20 erm Oh definitely yes , I mean when we 're trying to play passes over the top of their defence and they 're getting cut or they 're going straight through to the goalkeeper , it 's very frustrating for us , but really it 's just a case of plugging away and trying to get things to come right .
21 In the meantime , the random scatter of insights prompts one to appeal to Hughes with Keats ' suggestion , modestly opposed to the schematic might of The Godess essof Complete Being : ‘ Wheneer eryou write , say a word or two on some passage in Shakespeare that may have come rather new to you . ’
22 The problem is that the invitation must have come rather late as Carolyn recalls : ‘ I walked in about six o'clock and Diana went : ‘ Quick , quick I 've got to meet Charles in twenty minutes . ’
23 In the saloon Maurice , who had come rather late , was saying something intended to be in favour of Willis .
24 She had come rather out of her way and now walked back along a square where a learned society had its premises .
25 Just as those benefiting from new jobs have come mostly from outside the Docklands the markets for private housing in Docklands are not local either .
26 ‘ But it 's not Kinnock ; it 's Mr Gorbachev ; the world has come on to our ground and I find that a source of strength , because at least we know that we 're talking about the capitalist system . ’
27 ‘ In my 35 years of dealing this is the greatest sculpture that has ever come on to the market , ’ he said .
28 Take that form literally and there is only one winner on Saturday as Bonanza Boy is bound to have come on for the outing .
29 The street lights had just come on , a little premature , and where they stood close to any of the orphan-like trees their electric brightness was captured in the mesh of dusty leaves , giving the street an elegance it had otherwise long since lost .
30 ‘ But apparently the street lights had come on and their electric glare was filtered through the torn mesh of dusty leaves , giving an elegance to the street which it had otherwise forgotten .
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