Example sentences of "into an " in BNC.

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1 Max Friedlander , an outstanding scholar of Northern European art , took the view that accepting a work into an artist 's oeuvre was like recognising a friend , not a matter of measurement or detailed scrutiny .
2 It matters less and less as we move into an enjoyable account derived from a vocational puller-down of statues of the Shah and his father .
3 Those who wish , both unionists and nationalists , can interpret it as the beginnings of absorption into an all-Ireland state .
4 But then Mr Clancy and Mr Venables , who had been standing by to offer encouragement , had fallen into an argument concerning position .
5 I started to wander again , in and out of second-hand bookshops , and then into an amusement arcade .
6 Lots of clever ideas to banish gloom and turn that difficult shady spot into an elegant and eye-catching planting feature .
7 Worse still , if the stick is being held back the aircraft may bounce off the ground into an even more nose-high attitude and at an even lower speed .
8 This involves getting the aircraft into an attitude with the tail-wheel or skid just off the ground .
9 A more important reason not to experiment is to avoid the possibility of getting the glider into an untested mode of spin from which it might be difficult or impossible to recover .
10 Instead of accepting that their normal circuit is not possible and organising an alternative , they may try to make their formal pattern and so run themselves into an even more difficult situation .
11 Inevitably this takes the researcher beyond the press release , the statistical return , or the ‘ folk explanation ’ and into an interpretive framework , perhaps to seek how these presentations are used ( often unconsciously ) as part of a well-constructed formula to replicate positions of power and support the ideology and practices of the institution .
12 In these cases a Senior Police Officer has ‘ first read ’ of any papers and all other personnel involved have been required to enter into an undertaking to respect the security of the information .
13 I have mentioned aspects of the debate on the inclusion of the subjective self into an ethnography ; now I hope to weave aspects of this subjective self into a scientific construct , revealing something of police culture along the way as I briefly explore some of my own early career moves .
14 By defining this insider fieldwork ( and the university experience which generated it ) as a liminal situation , I am extending the Turnerian concept ( 1969 , 1974 ) in which the individual moves temporarily into an unstructured and somewhat ambiguous state , during the initial process of passing through a rite de passage before returning to structure .
15 Each link in the chain expressed a perceived correct place and tied this into an all-encompassing behavioural ideology which in turn determined our action .
16 It becomes a rite of separation into an area where the detective 's need to ‘ juggle with statistics and detection rates ’ is diametrically opposed to the constantly voiced uniform preference for action which is simply programmed to ‘ nail the prig down ’ .
17 ‘ This is turning into an affaire , darling , and I do n't want to .
18 Advance strongly into an opponent who is in a high stance
19 Our questions ranged far and wide and his courtesy and patience turned them into an intriguing trail of discovery which was endlessly fascinating and richly rewarding , for he is also a natural raconteur .
20 This would not count as decoding unless muscular activity and other outputs were regarded as translations out of ‘ impulses ’ into an interpreted language .
21 Now she thinks , not his cock but his tongue , I should have cut his tongue out with them , his slow quicksilver tongue ; for he partly took me backwards out of my joy , into an old timidity that 's there still ; and it 's made a meal of me sometimes teaching , when the sharper ones have had me squirming for my lazy luck .
22 His foresight has been especially important in transforming the ITF from a largely amateur , mainly non-international organisation , with a staff of just four plus a part-time accountant , into an all-embracing tennis authority , with a staff of 40 , capable of coping with increasing demands and responsibilities .
23 Success has been despite the somewhat confusing route plan initially imposed on the service south of the Thames by the necessity of incorporating the new service into an existing timetable without increasing mileage .
24 From the opening piteous pleas with shaking hands as the dancers sink to the floor in the depths of their sorrow , the choreographic pattern of the overall rhythm is seen to swell in size and intensity as the music does until there comes the gleam of hope , a quiet moment when a child-like figure dances in wonder at the ways in which she can explore not only the space in which she moves , but also the ways in which she shapes each part of her body into an ever flowing design .
25 No matter whether the theme comes from fantasy or reality every movement should be lightly or firmly drawn into an overall dance design .
26 Is he to stand behind her , to take her right hand in his right and to lift it over her head while their clasped left hands stretch sideways before they move swiftly and diagonally into an allement ?
27 One of the most subtle finishing touches that pointes give is to Bottom in The Dream when he is transformed into an ass .
28 When in trouble he could , like a god , make himself invisible or turn himself into an animal .
29 He used all the steps in the classical vocabulary named after Harlequin 's early ability as dancer-acrobat to change himself into an animal .
30 But petipa kept to well-defined limits of courtly behaviour and never fell into an extravagant style , even in the market place scene of Don Quixote .
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