Example sentences of "do just " in BNC.

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1 Since merely knowing the brain state does not reveal what the experience is like , and since what the experience is like , if it is a reality at all ( which Tye does not dispute ) , must be a fact about the experience ( or a feature or aspect of the experience , which will do just as well ) , it follows that the experience is not a brain state .
2 You may ask me then : ‘ Why do n't we do just that ? why has there been this passionate search for some other method of preventing the fall in the value of money or controlling the fall in the value of money , if a cause and perhaps the major cause is undisputed , assessable and obvious ? ’
3 But Marx , in an equally tough voice , merely said , ‘ O.K. Let's do just that , ’ put his hand in his breast pocket , slowly pulled out a horribly official-looking envelope , and slowly and carefully took from that an even more horribly official-looking form , folded once , in what to Herr Nordern seemed an indescribably sinister manner from top to bottom instead of side to side .
4 Indeed McLeish reflected , that encapsulated the trouble with Tristram — everything that he could do , Perry , two years his senior , could apparently do just that bit better .
5 I believed we should do just that .
6 Probably the clue to the most plausible explanation — and the one put forward by the man most likely to know , his jockey Dick Francis — lies in the fact that just before he slid to the ground Devon Loch pricked his ears , in the way that a horse might do just before jumping a fence — or on suddenly hearing an unfamiliar noise .
7 He has come to discuss things with me on many occasions and I am always asking him to come and do just one concert with the orchestra .
8 A lock would do just fine .
9 That will do just as well .
10 That is why Rugby Union nowadays would probably do just as well if the game built a system of scouting such as Rugby League has had for 100 years .
11 The More shoot let me do just that .
12 ‘ I must do just a few more menial things before I go to bed ’ or , more oddly , ‘ I was nearly run over on my menial way this morning . ’
13 We can not do just as we like because we are limited , or constrained , by ( i ) the amount of money , or capital , we have ; ( ii ) the inventions , or technology , available ; ( iii ) the space , or land , available ; ( iv ) the resources , such as fuel or timber , or existing roads and buildings ; ( v ) the desires of other human beings which may conflict with ours .
14 I should think that a piece of string would do just as well .
15 ‘ I 'll do just that , ’ the man said .
16 I 'm going to hold that arm for you and when I tell you to stand up , you will do just that , slowly .
17 This month sees the start of a new series to help you do just that .
18 We do some in-house , and we 've also got an outside researcher called Norman Pickering who has a home laboratory where he can do just about anything …
19 We are all aware of the damage that can be done by threatening to ‘ call a policeman ’ or ‘ fetch the bogeyman ’ , but many more casual phrases — never intended as a threat — can do just as much harm .
20 The aim is to minimise tissue damage and further movement could do just the opposite !
21 And now I sha n't need you again this evening , so apart from looking in on Anna from time to time , you may do just as you please . ’
22 But it will not do just to dismiss the evidence of their experience out of hand .
23 So I was put in a total quandary when my partners asked me to go out and do just that , ’ she says .
24 He can not do just as he pleases .
25 I 'd do just as well , I promise you ! ’
26 Surely heavy plastic bags would do just as well ? ’
27 The leisurely lunch is over and you can now stretch out and do just as you please .
28 In Scotland , where there is a shortage of imported heroin , people abuse pharmaceutical drugs that can do just as much damage .
29 Today we 're offering 100 prizes of £50 to help you do just that .
30 Before each show is recorded , the warm-up man will go out and do just that — ‘ warm up ’ the audience .
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