Example sentences of "have be " in BNC.

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1 More has be done in the south wing where there are still offices and a departmental library , ultimately destined to be incorporated into the future Bibliotheque des Arts .
2 If the tool has be lying idle for some months it is likely the charge has partially drained , so it is a good idea to regularly use these tools .
3 It has to be a certain size it has be flying
4 yeah it could 've be done better
5 It would n't have be so a great number .
6 Unless and until scientists come up with a better way , the drug would probably have be administered by a catheter permanently inserted into the brain , a method currently used in treatments for inoperable brain cancer .
7 Can I have be bold ?
8 Well then let's fill in April , then I think we should actually make sure that we 're comfortable that is essential and th that there is overtime being worked there that could n't have be worked in the week .
9 The earlier Count and Add software is considered by many to be one of the best first maths programs for youngsters , and much care appears to have be spent on this new version .
10 And yet erm what er what seems to have be going against that is that erm at least so far as is concerned , the proof is any theorem is a unique pathway .
11 that 's fucking going some for a ship that size I would love to have be able to fly with the or something
12 Well it takes you , I would , you have to have be in the army
13 Erm well all the groups are going to have be changed around , er , from February erm I do n't exactly know yet
14 He frequently had be placed on a respirator that combined with the two tubes that linked his heart to its 170 kg air compressor , gave the impression of a man supported entirely by mechanical means .
15 Chant might have applauded had be possessed two workable hands , but the flea 's message of corruption was spreading with agonizing speed .
16 But I needed to tell someone , after all these years , and it had be a stranger of course .
17 Had be to be up at quarter to eight .
18 Well you 've be alright going out tonight .
19 But you do n't do anybody until they 've be here for six months .
20 The beauty of this ancient town is that told and new have be carefully mixed .
21 You give them in , they have be in next week !
22 In turn-taking men have be shown to interrupt women more than they interrupt other men , er and then there 's the use of mm .
23 I have be very interested to hear about the recent developments and most impressed at what 's taken place , but er , I would like to ask about the international work , which I understand has been reduced .
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