Example sentences of "it did " in BNC.

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1 It did n't say ‘ something helpful ’ or ‘ enriching ’ or even ‘ extremely valuable ’ .
2 It is a contender : a colleague of Ackroyd 's on The Times announced that it was a ‘ sure contender ’ for the Booker Prize of 1987 ( which it did n't receive ) .
3 Because Sandy was embarked on a marriage and a career pointing him in a more conventional direction than mine , planning the sort of life that looked to me to have more obviously evolved from the background I 'd put behind me , it did n't seem to me that he would have had the wherewithal — ‘ morally ’ , as I would have been quick to say then — to help me through my predicament or , if he did , that it was possible for me with my values , to solicit his assistance .
4 Levi 's statement to Philip Roth about If not now , when ? did not mention Babel , but it did mention another Isaac — the Yiddish writer , Bashevis Singer .
5 Well , it did really .
6 Yes , it did .
7 I 'm sure it did .
8 In addition , whether or not one had attended a catholic school may have had little effect on sexual values or mass attendance but it did increase catholic activism and racial tolerance ( Greeley , McCready , and McCourt 1976 ) .
9 But it did nothing for the glass .
10 It did n't stop me going on , but it stopped him .
11 But it did not bring an end to the speculation and confusion which was rending the civilized world .
12 it did not pacify Madge , he wrote , and when he told her they could have another go at it the following month she told him she had had enough .
13 It did n't stop her hoping , waiting and hoping , for the next five years , he wrote , wasting her life when it was obvious he had no intention of going through with it .
14 Much good it did him .
15 It did not take long .
16 This was only his second murder in eighteen years , and he was somewhat annoyed by it , coming as it did during the best fishing of the year , and right at the time when his garden was at its peak .
17 It did n't do her any good at all .
18 It did occur to me that the doctor did choose an odd moment to draw attention to the bell 's being there .
19 Will regional programming continue under Channel 3 as it did under ITV ?
20 It did not really matter who we were or where we had come from ; the fountain united us all in a common purpose and that was enough .
21 What if it did n't work out after all ?
22 Thankfully , it did n't get that far .
23 When it reached about 3ft I pinched out the top to make it branch , which it did most satisfactorily .
24 Unfortunately , the glider did start to take-off , it did drop a wing and swing , and there was a collision .
25 She kissed Lucy and it did n't matter that somehow her lips landed only on her cheek .
26 It did not .
27 And a certain party 's name was not to cross her mind , rather , if it did , she was to wipe it out with a picture of her favourite places , backed by her favourite music .
28 Yet all that feeling , all that energy , discharged itself into the void so long as it did not flow down one of the channels that made the great wheels turn — in Edinburgh , in London and Paris .
29 You 're in luck — we found a fowl this morning , and it did n't look too well , so we had to put it out of its misery . ’
30 Years later , in a moment of youthful self-disclosure , his grandson commented through one of his fictional characters , ‘ It did n't matter to him how he faced the congregation : his grandfather had built the synagogue . ’
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