Example sentences of "it could " in BNC.

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1 It could ruin your entire life .
2 Gentlemen : It is with great regret that I see so many students labouring day after day in the Academy , as if they imagined that a liberal art , such as ours , was to be acquired like a mechanical trade , by dint of labour , or I may add the absurdity of supposing that it could be acquired by any means whatever .
3 It could be argued that these groups were formed as much for sociability as for making money , being made up of friends or acquaintances , but at any event their reasons fell short of promoting definite artistic programmes .
4 Secondly , the formal analysis which is second nature to a Western critic can be fruitful , even though it could be argued that this is a way of interpreting the objects of an unfamiliar culture rather than a description .
5 It was the eternal noise at that bend in the river , but on a normal day it could n't be heard here .
6 The motto refers to a dynastic permanence ; but it could be stolen for this novel , where a ‘ now and always ’ is on show .
7 And it could be said that not only is it about imitation — it is also , as are other tours de force , itself an imitation of something .
8 The poets Czeslaw Milosz and Donald Davie have been bothered by the insufficiency and irresponsibility of the lyric genre , and it could be felt that Kundera goes further than they do in denouncing the lyric , and fares worse .
9 This is one of the many books which address the snobbery of the English , which flash at their readers the lawns of country houses , the baize of gambling-tables , which tell tales of those virtuosos of ostentation and disregard who have in common a contempt for commonness , for the middle class ; and it could be said of such books that their chief resource is the eccentricity which has long amounted to a convention of upper-class life .
10 But it could also be read very differently .
11 Adultery has been a hanging matter — both in this and in the usual sense of the phrase — for the literature of the past , and perhaps it could be suggested that both senses may at times be presented to the mind by what Amis does with the subject , and that there is no striking difference in this respect between what he did in the Sixties and what he has done in the Eighties .
12 It seems reasonable to think that The Facts is imagined , and that it could promote a benevolent view of the literal or faithful — as opposed to the fantastically transgressive — imagination , which may or may not , in any given case , be directly concerned with the facts of the author 's own life .
13 The reader knows that it is Zuckerman 's statement too , that it is fiction , and is likely to remind himself that it could well belong to the infinite regress of the dualistic indeterminable , where claim and counter-claim alternate indefinitely .
14 This tendency has no counterpart in Levi , and it may be doubtful whether it could live with the subject-matter of the camps .
15 It could well be asked if his is an Orthodox fiction .
16 The locale is described as a university in the north of England , it could be anywhere from Nottingham to Newcastle , but seems more likely to be Lancashire or Merseyside .
17 It could be called upon at any time and indeed was from time to time .
18 It could be argued that the myths of Ulster protestantism and the institution of the Orange order take the place of the more centralized clerical organization of Roman catholicism in providing some element of overall religious unity among protestant loyalists .
19 Any further attempt to violate the principle of statehood by the new Northern-led leadership , it could be presumed , is unlikely to succeed — indeed , in certain circumstances could result in a reduction of support for their Northern campaigns .
20 He argued that Article 42 of the constitution claimed the primary right of care for the natural parents and was inalienable : it could not be delegated .
21 It could be argued that such a strategy was in any case unnecessary .
22 Finally , while it could be argued that Greeley and Rossi tell us something of catholic versus state schooling in the US , they have nothing to tell us about catholic versus Christian , multi-denominational schools , which is what most of the argument in Ireland is about .
23 The slower the better , he wrote , since one of the problems is the speed with which it could all be over .
24 The new emphasis was to be on dining rather than drinking , and the design was as sensitive as it could have been .
25 Mr Clark said legislation ensuring re-inspection could come into force within the next few years and he warned that it could result in hotels being prosecuted if they contravened their Fire Certificates .
26 But he said it could mean duties of managers/owners — such as keeping a hotel plan or ensuring staff are trained to use the fire fighting equipment — implicit in UK laws — would have to be spelt out .
27 ‘ Essentially it 's an electronic brochure , but it could be used to promote a branded product , such as a hotel consortium or Agatha Christie weekends .
28 ‘ So it could have been he who slipped over the side and did it , ’ Arabella Buckley had promptly declared .
29 It could have been switched around by anyone , hoping to lay the blame elsewhere .
30 Or it could have been brought in and substituted .
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