Example sentences of "be was " in BNC.

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1 I 'm was n't trying a bit of Strach Bashing earlier just its frustrating to see not be as good as he once was … though I still reckon last year he was watchinghimself to make sure he did not got injured .
2 I 'm was having on mine .
3 I 'm was leaning on this , look !
4 I 'm was born in Chester !
5 Eliot , distressed , wrote to Wilson and to another of his champions , Gilbert Seldes , protesting that he did not want to be praised at Pound 's expense since be was indebted to Pound ( as indeed his dedication to Pound as il miglior fabbro had elegantly acknowledged ) .
6 He was artistic , gentle and country loving , and though be was based in London , with an office in Great Marlborough Street , country commissions were his favourite .
7 It was generally assumed that they would probably prove to be complementary to each other , but what the optimum mix would be was far from clear .
8 All I would be was a punchbag for his escaping fury , the entity he saw as a new unbearable threat to his dominance in Tremayne 's stable ; the interloper , usurper , legitimate target .
9 Uncertainty about how straightforward the physical process would eventually be was compounded by the enormous time-scales over which it was likely to happen .
10 The last place he wanted to be was in the car .
11 But what its content should be was left at first to the experts .
12 That this was not to be was good news indeed .
13 Where the wall should be was a space , a mist , a foggy drop into infinity …
14 Then , at that point I decided there must be something else out there , and what it turned out to be was music from other countries .
15 There had to be agencies and clinics that were competent to deal with drug abuse , while the best I could be was an enthusiastic amateur , and that was rarely good enough .
16 In December , a software firm in Osaka whose product was deemed ‘ obscene ’ by the powers that be was raided and its stock of ultra-graphic porn ‘ games ’ confiscated .
17 It had something to do with history and the past , that excitement , and something to do with potential as well , with what Orwell or somebody had said , that every man really knew in his heart the finest place to be was the countryside on a summer 's day .
18 The episode had become part of family lore , as well as suggesting that the best place to be was Trazior itself .
19 Quite early , I made up my mind that all I wanted to be was a top flight boxer , to follow Jack Johnson in my own way and become the first black British heavyweight champion .
20 What it turned out to be was a lump of clay that I 'd moulded into what looked like a piece of black and wrapped up in silver paper just fooling about and they really freaked out and they kicked me out and had the police involved and everything .
21 Nick and Carrie were used to timing them now , fairly accurately : they went out for about half an hour and when they came back be was sitting quiet in the kitchen , reading the paper .
22 The earlier version of English at Nottingham as " elegant dabbling in belles-lettres " stiffened by Anglo Saxon and philology , now made way for a more Leavisian model : " My conception of what a School of English should be was considerably clarified by my reading of Dr. Leavis " notable essay entitled " A Sketch for an English School " in his Education and the University . "
23 ‘ I never went to any formal acting school — in fact , I 've probably just been very , very lucky getting all the parts I have — though for as long as I can remember all I ever wanted to be was an actress , and to be in the Theatre . ’
24 Life as she wanted it to be was momentarily embodied by the don who taught her Greek , a brave and learned man who fought the Turks in Modern Greece .
25 To be was enough .
26 If he had a small pond it used to be was two and sixpence that 's all they used to charge , but of course the other boats , now the boats that used to come from Rotterdam they would n't fill up there and they were Dutch boats , they would n't fill up in water out of the Rhine in Rotterdam , they always wait until they come to Ipswich and got fresh water .
27 Where he wanted to be was right there , but unobserved .
28 I also spoke of my difficulty in giving talks to the armed forces ; for nothing remotely intellectual was acceptable , and the only use which I felt I could be was in taking along a few maps and indicating the whereabouts of places increasingly mentioned on the wireless or the press ( though they read only the ‘ picture ’ papers ) .
29 If truth were told , she still did n't care much where she was , she admitted reluctantly , because the one place in the world she longed to be was at Dane 's side , and that was strictly out of bounds .
30 And one thing Fen had proved himself to be was very human .
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