Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] enough " in BNC.

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1 This should be enough to convince someone to give you a chance .
2 But a glance at the Soviet Union should be enough to remind Mr de Klerk that it is far easier to dismantle his predecessors ' oppressive structures than to build a new democracy in their place .
3 Surely prosecutorial discretion should be enough to prevent unfair convictions years after the event .
4 An implication of differentiation theory but not of the associative theory , therefore , is that mere exposure to a pair of stimuli without their being followed by any special consequences should be enough to enhance their discriminability .
5 Your bedding should be enough to keep you warm but not too heavy .
6 He might justifiably refuse to guarantee a full return to health in the near future yet still be prepared , if asked , to express a reasonable degree of confidence about your recovery prospects which should be enough to satisfy many employers .
7 For calorie counters , 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day should be enough to maintain correct weight and carry on an active life .
8 Consideration of these facts should be enough to alert us to the possibility that the totality of our being may be much more than just the physical body , and that we may not be in any sense only machines .
9 He hoped greatly to be able to go to Oxford in the autumn ; there should be enough money from a sale to support his mother , his brother and himself till he obtained a degree and could earn his living .
10 THE measures should be enough to push shares to an all-time high .
11 There should be enough resources within the present squad . ’
12 The rent charged should be enough to cover mortgage , rates , repairs and agents ' fees as well as tax but even this modest target may not be reached in many places without risk of taking in the wrong kind of tenant .
13 ‘ My dear Sophie , ’ Cummings stepped forward , ‘ I do n't think you should listen to all this , your eldest son has been tried and convicted of the fraud , that should be enough proof for you that he is guilty . ’
14 The best shape of bag is tapered or mummy-shaped , and there should be enough room for your body to feel comfortable inside .
15 The company declares that it has replicated the functions of APPN , without any inside information from IBM , and this , together with the required patent permissions , should be enough to avoid it being fingered by IBM 's corporate lawyers .
16 US government spending on open systems is estimated at around $4,000m , a figure he contends is reasonable to expect from European governments and one that should be enough to support the development of a European open systems industry .
17 The fact that he is under-age could be a problem but a false beard , grey wig and strap-on paunch should be enough to fool any referee likely to officiate at an Athletico game .
18 Mig Romerez did not even recognise a football when I showed him one but his exotic appearance should be enough to impress those bumpkins in ‘ The Tip ’ crowd .
19 ‘ Even though the ceremony was disturbed , there should be enough power stored within the mirror to open the gateway , ’
20 There should be enough cream there now for four to six weeks on a twice weekly basis , but if you run out just give a ring in .
21 The amount of luggage which people take with them , even on comparatively short journeys , would amaze those austere travellers who believe that the trunk and a handbag should be enough to carry them anywhere .
22 However in England , the evidential burden on the prosecution may not be any greater than it is under Categories 1 and 2 in many of the situations which they cover , for , as Glanville Williams has pointed out : ‘ If the prosecution gives evidence that violence was used , this should be enough to discharge the evidential burden on the issue of consent and take the case to the jury …
23 She was aground then , but there should be enough water to float her now . ’
24 There should be enough spaces in the exhibition schedules and venues to allow for the mounting of lower priority short-term exhibitions outwith the major thematic exhibitions .
25 On a pure labour law test , on the other hand , it might be said that the fact that the employees were doing the same kind of work on the same machines should be enough to amount to a transfer of a business .
26 ‘ Quite right , laddie , but I think handling should be enough to hold you for a while .
27 In any case , as an imperative , let suggests that the speaker feels that the impinging of his will on the others 's should be enough to obtain their assent or overcome their indifference and thereby get the infinitive action under way .
28 Three against one should be enough of a match for Gesner . ’
29 BBCBASIC does not incorporate " garbage collection " routines and it is possible to run out of room for variables even though there should be enough space .
30 ‘ And you have your Steve back , ’ he accused darkly , ‘ and it should be enough to satisfy us all , but it is n't because sometimes affairs leave behind a tangled web of anguish .
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