Example sentences of "[vb infin] left a " in BNC.

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1 Disagreements in the church about the point at which one could not compromise left a legacy of schisms in the Nile valley and in North Africa , where the rancour of the Donatist schism persisted until the Muslim invasions swept them away four centuries later .
2 By the look of him he might well have left a genuine World War Two leather bomber jacket in the bedroom .
3 Of course , Amy would have left a daughter .
4 Had his life been prolonged , the writer thought it probable that he would have left a deeper mark on the science of the profession .
5 And European planetary scientists believe that ESA 's advisers rejected the Kepler mission to Mars mainly because of its cost : at £300 million it was twice as much as ISO , and would have left a gap of four years before anything else could be funded .
6 Though ‘ Ebeneezer Goode ’ itself might have left a little to be desired , if was impossible not to enjoy the accompanying media panic .
7 We could n't have left a tap on , as we had taken the precaution of turning the water off at the mains , so where could it be coming from ?
8 Oswald and ( probably ) his brother , Oswiu , were the sons of Aethelfrith by Acha , sister of Eadwine ( HE III , 6 ) , and this may have facilitated acceptance of Oswald as king among the Deirans and the restoration of an overkingship , but the deaths of many of the Deiran royal family will have left a political vacuum at the heart of the Deiran kingdom which can not have been immediately filled by Aethelfrith 's sons .
9 ‘ Why , my lord , when we were left alone — and I think if they had not been in such haste to move on they would not have left a man of us alive to tell the tale — we first tended the worst hurt , and took counsel , and decided we must take the news on to Ramsey , and also back here to Shrewsbury .
10 The ship that had followed us would have left a record of its course , and ours .
11 Would the police have left a man at the Rectory in case Amy returned ?
12 By the end of January , most people will have left a trail of broken New Year Resolutions in their wake , resuming all of their bad habits within the space of a few weeks .
13 She might have left a cigarette lit .
14 Isabelle must have left a legacy of frightening bitterness behind her in this place in order to set off a reaction like that .
15 ‘ I must have left a hole somewhere , because one has slipped through — straight into my heart . ’
16 But this would have left a great swath of territory to the west in Republican control .
17 Assuming Melanie 's aunt did move from Cherry Cottage , she may have left a forwarding address with the new owners . ’
18 I admit I should have left a message , but I assumed I would be seeing you shortly , and — hell , I never expected you to mind .
19 The man got away but he may have left a vital clue .
20 A housing budget estimate for 1992/93 would have left a £643,000 deficit without an increase in rents .
21 But , while this would have brought the Tory rebels back on board , it would have left a big question mark over whether Mr Major could continue .
22 It 's , might have left a note on .
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