Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] give " in BNC.

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1 All I can do , Father Poole thought despairingly , is to try and give him the spiritual strength to resist such a temptation .
2 Time which might have been devoted to instructing deaf children in the acquisition of English grammar , arithmetic and other school subjects was , in the view of many leading deaf people including deaf businessmen like A.J.Wilson and George Edward , being curtailed in order to try and give deaf children speech training .
3 In order to try and give the market some confidence the government organised a temporary ‘ buy-back ’ scheme , which provided , in effect , a minimum support price for the shares ( only 2 per cent of the shares issued were in fact returned ) .
4 BMC national officer Roger Payne explained that the policy at the BMC is to try and give funding to experienced groups of British climbers attempting the sort of peaks which provide a strong technical challenge but are unlikely to get commercial sponsorship , simply because no-one apart from climbers has ever heard of them .
5 If you take a facial expression anyone of the seven dwarfs and you want to try and give a dramatic idea how to present that face or that attitude to do it just by standing there without curtains opening on you and all that sort of thing it 's quite diffi , it 's quite difficult !
6 I 'd sent Mum to the acupuncturist to try and give her some energy , and Jack and I were in the house when we heard a terrible thud .
7 We have erred I think in several instances to try and give a margin of flexibility er I think if we 'd really tried hard to follow a policy of restraint within the assumptions of this model , we could have produced even lower figures than we have .
8 Ma'am , sir I should say , erm Mr makes certain comments about there are doubts about whether this scheme will go forward , we have been in contact with Department of Transport , again to try and give you the correct factual position .
9 Erm I think my answer to the to the questions being thrown out by by the Senior Inspector is is that surely Government policy is to protect the countryside for its own sake , and and why is it therefore wrong for a county with erm areas of acknowledged environmental importance to try and give expression to that in in its structure plan .
10 And , to try and give options for members , at different expenditure levels of how we may move forward , because it is n't a cheap process , or not if we follow the Lancashire model it is n't a cheap process , but of course we can scale our proposals down .
11 I asked erm Ian yesterday to try and give me the dates so I , I 'm , I expect him to come back to me today with some idea on that .
12 maybe , maybe , people could just be thinking or , you know if they hear of somebody who might be able to come and give a talk like your friend who , who was very good , erm , you know , we could make a note of it and , or ask people , you know , could talk to talk or something that sort .
13 And they used to come and give us the pattern , what the butler got to lay on the table ; the tea-service would be the same pattern as the tablecloth was .
14 Having asked Jane Pargeter to come and give a formal statement at Chester Row , Blanche halted just outside the open door to the flat .
15 Baptiste , run and ask your mother to come and give me a hand , would you ?
16 Ah well , you know when the , they used to come and give a , give a hand .
17 " Perhaps you would be ready to come and give me a fitting on Friday afternoon ? "
18 If in pain control , you were in control of your own pain , you have less than if it were a set wait every four hours for us to come and give you a tablet .
19 No because our training is such that there is n't the officers just would not come into that bedroom at all because there is a threat in there and I 'm dealing with that threat and unless I specifically call for another officer to come and give me a hand there is no need to come in and in fact if anybody had 've done they 'd have been told to get out because I 've got a problem there and that 's my problem .
20 Oh they 're going to come and give you another quote or something you said ?
21 It 's to do with the Government housing policy at national level , but there are certain things we can do , and I remember about two and a half years ago I arranged for a group of people to come and give a seminar to the Housing Committee .
22 just so many bits and pieces to do , I need to come and get this to come and give me some further comments
23 His dedication to the subject was complete and he continued to write and give high quality papers at various conferences .
24 Reading a letter in WOMAN about the definition of happiness , I decided to write and give my idea of what it is .
25 Held , allowing the appeal , that although justices had an overriding duty to investigate the proposals advanced by the parties notwithstanding that they had been fully agreed , the profundity of that investigation should reflect the reality that there was consensus between the parties , particularly when one party was a local authority with statutory duties and another the child 's guardian ad litem , and any period during which justices reserved their decision or reasoned judgment should be kept to a minimum ; that if justices , having fulfilled their duty to make an independent investigation of terms proposed by consent , came to the conclusion that other terms should be imposed on the parties , they should indicate the terms they were minded to impose and give the parties an opportunity to make submissions on them ; and that , in all the circumstances , the order should be varied to provide that there would be no contact with the father on the basis that the local authority would continue to perform its statutory duty to review each six months and that the half-sister would be afforded reasonable contact ( post , pp. 277B–F , 278C–D ) .
26 ‘ That is an inquisitorial power , which may work with great severity against third persons , and it seems to me to be obvious that such a section ought to be used with the greatest care , so as not unnecessarily to put in motion the machinery of justice when it is not wanted , or to put it in motion at a stage when it is not clear that it is wanted , and certainly not to put it in motion if unnecessary mischief is going to be done or hardship inflicted upon the third person who is called upon to appear and give information .
27 He managed to push it away one-handed , only for Mark Wallis to pounce and give the visitors the lead on 20 minutes .
28 Under the provisions of the university decree governing the post , the Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography is required ‘ to lecture and give instruction in Geography ’ .
29 The professor will be required to lecture and give instruction in Theoretical Chemistry .
30 The professor will be required to lecture and give instruction in Theoretical Chemistry .
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