Example sentences of "[adv] upon [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Researched and compiled by Alan Webb and published by him care of the Mosquito Aircraft Museum , At First Sight is a magnificent and original unit history , based entirely upon accounts written by former 627 Squadron members .
2 This work tackles two other areas which are relevant to natural language indexing : Chapter 11 discusses the generation of printed indexes based upon the words in titles ; it also reviews some of the basic strengths and limitations of natural language indexing in the context of printed indexes based entirely upon titles alone ; Chapter 17 considers post-coordinate indexing and online searching of databases .
3 First , the research relating to employment focused almost entirely upon men ( with the exception of Le Gros Clark 1962 ) , whilst that into medical and social conditions studied mainly women .
4 The contributors regularly asserted that a university was not a democracy , and that academic study should be reserved for an elite by concentrating attention and opportunity only upon students endowed with " unusual gifts " .
5 They are a frontal assault of the Devil not only upon believers but on human beings everywhere .
6 I do emphasise this definition , which relies upon the influence upon the value of money being direct , being exercised upon particular prices ; for of course all economic policies have an effect upon the value of money and thus upon prices , including incomes .
7 First , when governments want to make relatively large adjustments in their budgetary positions they may rely more upon changes in taxation than changes in public expenditures .
8 But the merciful goodness of the Lord endureth for ever and ever upon men that and his righteousness Joy be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost .
9 Thus the Treaty and the subordinate Community legislation are made binding directly upon businesses and private individuals within Member States , and may also be used to challenge the governmental authorities and legislatures of Member States .
10 In reality , the focus for the aggregate balance is of course both upon imports and exports .
11 The parishioner 's ability to worship depends not only upon the personal spirituality of a relationship with God in Christ , but also upon relationships with fellow worshippers , the atmosphere of the building and the vitality of the services .
12 Changes in the level of interest rates charged on borrowing , therefore , depend almost wholly upon movements in the base rate .
13 In contrast with the Council of Europe proposals , which seek to specify what learners are meant to achieve and so bear mainly upon questions relating to syllabus design , humanistic approaches are centrally concerned with the actual process of learning and therefore have a bearing primarily on methodology .
14 The book 's later chapters focus mainly upon aspects of media accountability .
15 If the focus of attention were to dwell solely upon imports , a potential or existing member would hardly relish CU membership on a balance of trade basis .
16 In both these examples it is clear that a major advantage of the simulation model is that answers can be more reliably obtained to questions such as ‘ how high should 1 build this bridge ? ’ or ‘ what would be the hydrological effect of building another 2000 houses in Edwalton ? ’ than if the engineer or planner were to rely solely upon rules of thumb or ‘ common sense ’ .
17 SIR — In view of the proven pain and loss conferred uniquely upon children by divorcing parents , ought not the Princess Royal to reconsider her position as President of the Save the Children Fund ?
18 Confidence in his will to end this war , even upon terms not ungenerous .
19 The ‘ Sounds in Words ’ part of the test uses a picture-naming approach to elicit words which contain the relevant phonemes ; whereas the EAT focuses exclusively upon consonants , the Goldman-Fristoe test claims to sample all consonants ( except ‘ measure , ) , all vowels and the majority of English diphthongs .
20 Omnivores comprise by far the largest group from cosmopolitan feeders such as the opportunistic wrasses which have broad tastes to specialised feeders such as angelfish which browse benthically upon sponges and algae .
21 These were to be intermediary between capital and labour and based precisely upon types of vocational expertise in a way similar to medieval guilds ( Leo XIII 1903 : 240–7 ; Pius XI 1931 : 32–4 ) .
22 In essence , though , ‘ all political effects are initially upon individuals .
23 In Britain , its 20,000 people belong to small local congregations , whose services are generally simple and rely for their music chiefly upon hymns and chorales .
24 The law regarding discrimination either upon grounds of race or sex is applicable to all establishments irrespective of whether or not the establishment is within the scope of the HPA 1956 .
25 Moreover , Taking the Side of the Other relates to changes in the social context of public controversy , whereas attitude-change theorists have tended to concentrate primarily upon changes within the individual attitude-holder .
26 This cycle of growth , which was based primarily upon exports , reached its peak in 1986-88 , when the annual rate of growth was in excess of 12 per cent .
27 The state consequently relied heavily upon instruments of repression and pragmatic administrative management .
28 Citizens ’ Advice Bureaux , for example , rely heavily upon volunteers with few paid advisers and it is argued that this gives the organisation a positive strength and a particularly good claim to independence and impartiality .
29 The success of monetary union in promoting a more balanced development within the EC rests ultimately upon factors such as the degree of wage flexibility , the mobility of capital in response to differential labour costs , versus the advantages of centralisation and agglom- eration .
30 It implies , however , a recognition that the minority who occupy powerful positions in British society are able to make choices , based neither upon notions of democracy nor upon calculations about who has power , about whom they will listen to or consult .
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