Example sentences of "[adv] looked [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And it kinda looked like this too . ’
2 One interpretation of the intermittent energy which Joseph Sturge put into the free produce movement in the 1840s is that it constituted an attempt by a Friend who had launched out into public and even political life to maintain links with more traditionally quietist brethren who none the less looked for greater perfection in the world .
3 In the sectors under study here — the interface between the arms , aerospace and telecommunications industries and engineers — private as well as public sector actors long looked to the state to take the lead : for all the talk of profitability and competitivity in the international market place , procurement policies followed by the DGT with respect to public switching exchanges , or by the Ministry of Defence and the Civilian Space Administration ( CNES ( towards arms and aerospace equipment manufacturers , reinforced this dependent attitude .
4 Because of Gloucester 's influence in the duchy , royal servants naturally looked to him for lordship .
5 Among the earl 's possessions there was the lordship of Spofforth , the home of the Middletons of Stokeld , who as a result naturally looked to the Percies for lordship .
6 Because of Gloucester 's influence in the duchy , royal servants naturally looked to him for lordship .
7 Among the earl 's possessions there was the lordship of Spofforth , the home of the Middletons of Stokeld , who as a result naturally looked to the Percies for lordship .
8 The weather was perfect and the blue of the sea below looked like the Mediterranean , going to turquoise then white , as it hit the dramatic , spiky rocks .
9 Of his contemporaries Eliot was one of the few who not merely looked to a culturally united Europe but knew personally many of the writers and intellectual leaders on the Continent .
10 ( The RSV seems clear enough when it speaks of them looking into the ark ( 6.19 ) , but the Hebrew will not really bear that sense , and would suggest they merely looked at it .
11 In our model experiments , 29% of approaching females and 20% of approaching males performed a sexual display , other individuals merely looked at the model before departing .
12 But she merely looked at me , coldly , and fast-forwarded .
13 Tom All Alone looked from one to the other .
14 I only looked for the sake of form .
15 We only looked at it yesterday ? ,
16 The boy said nothing , only looked at both of us with wide-open eyes , but there were no tears despite the pain .
17 David remained close for a brief moment , perhaps hoping that she would retract her words , but Beth only looked at him in that certain proud manner which told him she would not change her mind .
18 ‘ But if they only looked at me coldly , and whispered behind their hands about me , and then left me one by one ? ’
19 He let me go , and only looked at me .
20 Rachaela only looked at her .
21 But he only looked at her blankly , and gave no rueful half-smile in collusion .
22 Another man had been at the table for some time but Beales only looked at him at this point , curious to know who MacQuillan was with .
23 I only looked at .
24 mind you with cottage , I 've painted big cottage on the stage and , I only looked at it on me bike as I went through Salver
25 But we only looked in B & Q for that did n't we ?
26 Brigadier and Mrs. Carter lived in a large house in Brown Street — he was fat , very pompous with a waxed moustache , having exceptionally long spikes ; Major Forbes from Fowlers Hill , who not only looked like but also dressed like King George V — whether by accident or design I do n't know , Mrs. Bowyer , the widow of an Australian Bishop who lived in Fowlers Road was very big and wore outsize hats which accentuated her size and finally the Headmaster , Mr. E.J. Russ .
27 But the jumble of letters only looked like a chorus of angels skipping hand in hand across the sheet .
28 And also we think they sensibly looked at the actual provision of sites in areas which have proved popular for employment and which do not compromise environmental objectives .
29 His hands trembled and he constantly looked to Louise for advice and support .
30 In the rigid and uncompromising structure of a society which constantly looked for negative , rather than positive factors , the faintest rumour was elevated to probable truth and doubt became a definite accusation .
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