Example sentences of "[adv] happen [be] " in BNC.

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1 No no , there are natural , we always have a strong preference for something but we can actually develop them , just like management style we have a strong preference for , for one style but it is something that we can learn can get more and try and rationale sort of like theoretical we can try and rationalize what 's perhaps happening is that in situations when we 're not gaining a lot and it could be that it 's because it 's had a lot of activity and we can actually gain more from it we can rationalize it and analyze it .
2 ’ But what basically happens is , if we see someone acting suspiciously in our store , we phone up a store in the next block and warn them , giving a description of the suspect .
3 What will basically happen is we would organize the clearance of footpaths within Southwell boundary , and so they would give us an amount of money each year and then we would er take on , we would nominate which footpaths are to be cleared , we have got far more ideas than they have in Nottingham need attention .
4 What had apparently happened was that , faced with persecution , the committed witches had formed themselves into small clandestine groups and became separated from each other .
5 Cos what normally happens is with tetanus , that the reason it kills you is that you stop breathing because your muscles that work your lungs , the diaphragm , the intercostal muscles between the ribs , those seize up and you just stop breathing .
6 It 's hardly ever reported in the Third World and er taking the facts that we 've just been talking about into account , it would be tempting to see anorexia as related to conflicts about the beginning of a young woman 's reproductive life because what normally happens is , and has certainly happened in the only case of this that occurred in my family , the young woman in question lost so much weight that she stopped cycling and in fact erm puberty changes went into reverse , she actually regressed , she started puberty and er she had this anorexia problem and she stopped cycling and , and all her body changes reversed , she went back to pre-puberty again erm because of oh no , oh no it did n't , she lost her body hair and stuff yeah , er her , her , her hormonal changes .
7 Now I would n't put a question in that related to speech therapy in that way cos it 's far too complicated right for for you , but , completely hypothetical , and then what normally happens is people think groups and they just spew the lot out , right ?
8 You what s normally happens is that the following year when you make profit you say ah but last year I made er you know I made a loss of ten thousand pound set that off against the profit of ten thousand pound I made this year so that tax pay losses can be carried forward there are other more complex ways of doing it too but that 's the standard sort of way , I think .
9 Twelve year old Emma Butler died during a kickabout after a five a side football match … she 'd been watching her younger brother , Matthew , play in a tournament organised by the St Edmunds Football Club at the European School in Abingdon … details of what exactly happened are still sketchy … but it 's believed a hockey goal post which was leaning against a hut fell down crushing Emmas chest …
10 But , thanks both to Daimler 's bad luck and bad judgment , the odds against this ever happening are high — and getting higher .
11 There perhaps you would say the id is beginning to dominate the ego , but in accepting these extreme cases of , of psychotics who are severely divorced from reality , the , what always happens is the id has to make a demand on the ego which then gratifies it .
12 As soon as there is any prospect of allowing planning permission , all that usually happens is that the price of the house is bid up far beyond what it is worth , given the large sums that need to be spent on it .
13 What usually happens is that , because the pressure to succeed has been removed , before that two weeks has elapsed the couple will find themselves overcome by the passion of the moment and a joyous and successful sexual encounter is likely to result .
14 What usually happens is that the model runs out of steam during the half roll , and tumbles backwards .
15 What usually happens is one bloke ‘ digs ’ ( see box ) the ball up , the other guy ‘ volleys it ’ high in the air , then the first guy jumps up and smashes it down over the net .
16 But what usually happens is that unacceptable ( as opposed to lethal ) levels of toxins stress the fish , leaving them abnormally vulnerable to attack by opportunistic organisms .
17 Sugar , in his sworn statement , said : ‘ Venables said what usually happens is that people would meet Clough in a motorway cafe somewhere , and that Clough would be handed a bag of money . ’
18 ‘ He said what usually happens is that people would meet Clough in a motorway cafe somewhere , and that Clough would be handed a bag of money , ’ said Sugar .
19 It is unfortunate that the CACs were seen as a political football and they provide an interesting indication of what might possibly happen were all legal services to be funded from local or central government .
20 What 's probably happening is that you are trying to tell them you are annoyed but also saying you still want them to like you at the same time .
21 So , what probably happens is that women at the bottom of the social heap in the United States , having poor health care , high stressed lives , crime , drugs and all these kind of problems , probably have more spontaneous abortions , therefore the sex ratio away from males towards females , whereas women at the top of the social scale , low stress lives , good health care , better maternity erm medicine , stuff like that , retain more foetuses , therefore you 'd expect them to have more males , and this is what seems to happen .
22 What probably happened was that she suddenly decided the time was right for her to do some publicity and she had something to talk about , her book , Elizabeth Takes off .
23 A lot of the times what is really happening is that people are being put into artificial jobs .
24 It 's erm in fact a quote from Wilson , the founder of Socio-biology , the mo in other words modern er Darwinism as oppo as , as a applied to animal behaviour and Wilson 's point in saying that sex is an anti-social force in evolution was to suggest that what is really happening is that if natural selection is a question of the reproductive success of individual genes , then individuals should be motivated to produce as many copies of those genes as they possibly can , and that will inevitably bring them into competition with other members of the species who wan na do exactly the same thing .
25 Probably yes , but what 's really happening is , you 're watching television and half your mind is taking it in , and the other half of your mind 's thinking , when I get back to work tomorrow , I 'm going to do so-and-so and so-and-so , because , yes , I 'll do , and you 're really chewing over the problems of today .
26 Over bacon , cabbage and wine we had admired the elegance of the line that as prison walls got lower what was really happening was that prison was not disappearing but dissolving .
27 While the differences between the crown of France and its vassals were expressed in a language which was essentially feudal ( a new political vocabulary more suited to developments had not yet evolved ) , what was really happening was something remarkably ‘ modern ’ , the laying of the foundations of a national state under one monarch whose territorial authority could only be effectively exercised through annexation or conquest .
28 What so often happens is that we do not share feelings till finally the back filter gets overloaded and we literally blow a hole through it sending forth a gush of accusations which are totally counterproductive .
29 So the dream becomes a symbolic expression of this conflict and what very often happens is the there 's a kind of compromise in which you go off and look for the bathroom or the drink of water or whatever it is you want , but the dream keeps postponing you finding it , in order to lengthen the dream and the state of sleep , so you go on sleeping for a bit longer .
30 Erm , Fr if , if you look into these dreams , what very often happens is , or what people report , is that whilst they 're experiencing the , the traumatic situation , whatever it may be , being in a prison camp or something , their dreams are often fairly straightforward , they 're to do with simple wishful things like being rescued , escaping , getting .
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