Example sentences of "[pers pn] gives to " in BNC.

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1 For example , the wife and mother has the opportunity to soothe her own unconscious envy of the baby vicariously by the devoted care she gives to him .
2 And we hope that you will listen to the criticisms that each of you gives to each of the other groups , and when Bob Satchwell comes that he will have something very positive to say about relationships with the press .
3 Indeed it would be possible to identify some fells from the attention he gives to the geology and his affection for each fold of rock and each rattling , winding ghyll , without seeing the characteristic outline of the peak .
4 It is important to stress that this dispute with Marx does not extend to his analysis of the mode of production or to the significance that he gives to knowledge as a relation of production .
5 The inspector is required to give the employer the same information as he gives to the employed person .
6 He compliments the production operator on the detailed attention he gives to the quality components coming off his line .
7 An individual scientist 's decision will depend on the priority he gives to the various factors .
8 Johnson increases in delight ; how many edges he gives to an observation .
9 Professor Moule may not be right in the interpretation he gives to these four verses .
10 K. Barrett 's book , Luke the Historian in Recent Study is the weight he gives to the Word as the prime agency through which the Spirit extends the good news of Christ .
11 More common is the seller who , having inserted an exclusion clause into his conditions of sale , relies on his buyer not bothering to read ( or not understanding ) the small print ; for example , the exclusion clause may be contained in the small print of a guarantee which he gives to the buyer .
12 Sir John Banham , for instance , welcomed my right hon. Friend 's prudent Budget and the priority that he gives to reducing inflation , while the Institute of Directors said that the Budget was prudent and correct in every way .
13 This is a consequence of the primacy he gives to communications over power .
14 ‘ So the money he gives to Osman must come from somewhere else .
15 ‘ Which he gives to Osman . ’
16 This is a historic town , I I disagree with Mr Jewitt upon the emphasis he gives to that , but I do agree with him that a limit the type , the scale of growth which that solution would imply would be hurtful , would be very , extremely harmful to the town .
17 Now as promised it 's time to zig zag to the onion bag … what is this man talking about … it 's football speak from Cambridge manager John Beck whose team play Swindon tomorrow … it 's the order he gives to his strikers before a game … zig zag … well that means running … weaving with the ball … the onion bag is the goal net of course … so here we go with this week 's football roundup
18 The significance is the boost it gives to the AX 's performance , particularly in the context of the diesel .
19 It is becoming less popular now because of the lack of support it gives to the lower back , although it does give more buoyancy than other types .
20 The village is also known for the care it gives to its gardens and grass verges .
21 With its emphasis on the importance of personal uniqueness , it gives to the individual a value one is increasingly in danger of losing in this computer age .
22 With variations , this very simple shape is widely used in kite workshops as a project that produces results , both in the flight performance and in the degree of satisfaction it gives to the constructor .
23 Together they went to bullfights , to watch Chamaco and Ordonez perform , Minton 's interest in this art having been fired by Hemingway 's Death in the Afternoon , by its colourfulness , sense of theatre and by the focus it gives to male idolatry .
24 An advantage of the modular form is the flexibility it gives to both staff and student in organising a suitable degree course .
25 Physics is interesting in having connotations of both : as a physical science , its discoveries ( and the skills it gives to its graduates ) have obvious uses for industry ; while its status as a ‘ pure ’ rather than an ‘ applied ’ science gives it the appearance of being removed from the uses to which it may be put .
26 Largely because of the tax gains , but also the increased freedom it gives to the pensioner , many pension schemes have provision for allowing part of the value of the pension to be capitalized on retirement .
27 Another attraction of the scheme is the flexibility it gives to general practitioners to make budgetary savings in certain aspects of their clinical practice which can then be reinvested in other aspects of patient care .
28 It gives to the touch .
29 It is rather unexpectedly glutinous and flabby to the touch — all-in-all rather unpleasant , if it were not for the splash of vivid yellow it gives to an otherwise sombre winter hedgerow .
30 In April 1873 W. H. Flower , subsequently to be in charge of the British Museum , Natural History , in South Kensington , lectured on palaeontology and the support it gives to evolutionary theory .
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