Example sentences of "[noun pl] [is] usually " in BNC.

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1 Eradication of the less serious fungi is usually a simple matter of cutting out and burning the infected timber .
2 The capacity in mls is usually imprinted into the glass at the base of the bottle .
3 The default blend in Hong Kong restaurants is usually the Yunnan tea called bo-lei in Cantonese dialect , and pu-erh in Mandarin .
4 The arrangement of the moots is usually the responsibility of the students ' law society , though a law teacher or practising lawyer can usually be persuaded to set the moot and preside on the ‘ bench . ’
5 A dictionary of legal words is usually used to calculate the probabilities , but they can be calculated dynamically from the text being processed .
6 In online catalogue searching , the mean number of significant words is usually a little over two and few searches contain more than three words .
7 France operates a complex system of subsidised credits rather than grants and the minimum interest rate to be borne by plan beneficiaries is usually 2% pa .
8 The unit of analysis for these approximately lognormal distributions is usually individuals or families .
9 The main owner of such schools is usually and indirectly the Church of Ireland , and current expenditure and salaries are provided by the state , with the board of governors presided over by the local minister .
10 Twelve months is usually a more appropriate period .
11 The fauna of these lakes is usually restricted to rotifers , tardigrades and other small detritus-feeding invertebrates , a few species of copepods and other crustaceans , enchytraeid worms and the larvae of chironomid flies .
12 Poor circulation in the hands and feet is usually caused by a narrowing of the very tiny blood capillaries .
13 The relationship with the parents is usually angry and negative in quality ( Egan et al .
14 It is often possible to identify the characteristic eggs from a faecal sample , but regular treatment against this and other similar parasites is usually deemed preferable .
15 Pressure from recreation on these open areas is usually considerable , with consequently much disturbance to birds particularly in the breeding season .
16 Effluent in rural areas is usually discharged visibly into watercourses and can often be traced without much difficulty to its source .
17 Access into the high-bay areas is usually inter-locked with the power supply and only personnel with keys can acquire access .
18 Competition among ruwatu between communities is usually expressed through the accusations of sorcery attack , often in the wake of marriages which shift the residential alignments within the territory , and thus respective follower size .
19 So there 's often a contradiction as to whether programmes are addressed to their actual or potential audiences or to a hypothetical audience , which in current affairs and news broadcasts is usually assumed to be a male viewer .
20 The art of outlining and defining soft furnishings is usually associated with traditional-style interiors , but many brightly coloured modern fabrics can also be given a stylish lift with the wide range of trimmings that are available today .
21 The point is rather that , even though knowingly taking risks with other people 's lives is usually unjustifiable , taking a slight risk is less serious than intentionally causing death .
22 Newborn screening for genetic and other disorders is usually confined to diseases for which there is treatment — either a change of diet ( as in phenylketonuria and galactosaemia ) or replacement therapy ( as in hypothyroidism ) — or in which there is a chance of affecting morbidity or mortality early in life , as occurs in the haemoglobinopathies ( particularly sickle cell disease ) .
23 Three days is usually enough .
24 Three weeks is usually long enough to see whether your single is going to be a national success .
25 Structural , cellular disorder and collapse in plants is usually a reflection of old age , bad growing conditions or inadequate feeding .
26 The composition of the forest cover and of the smaller plants is usually represented by diagrams showing the relative percentage of the plants present .
27 The HEU in weapons is usually enriched to 94% U.
28 The income to pay these video costs is usually minimal with new artists , so these expenses are often set against future video exploitation .
29 The perception of shape and pattern in apparently disorderly ( but dynamic and mobile ) things is usually mentioned with reference to visual perception , and it is commented on in the sciences and the arts alike : it is prominent , for example , in the notebooks of the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins ( J. Milroy , 1977 ) , in his careful descriptions of cloud formations , waterfalls and other dynamic phenomena , and much of the poet 's imagery depends on a kind of ‘ observer 's paradox ’ ( rather different from the familiar Labov version ) , through which a dynamic phenomenon can nonetheless appear to have stable shapes and patterns within it and , conversely , a static phenomenon may appear to contain mobility .
30 Here again there is good evidence that reconnection supplies the energy and that interaction of emerging flux with existing coronal magnetic structures is usually involved .
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