Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] upon " in BNC.

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1 Even these can be criticized only upon the basis of other assumptions .
2 He spoke of nothing so much as his guilt at having depended only upon his own staff for security .
3 As Alfred Oliver begins to rise , a blunt instrument is smashed forcibly upon his head , followed by more blows incessantly raining down upon the elderly tobacconist .
4 For too long many Ulsterfolk have looked favourably upon Israel and its inhabitants , mainly due to Biblical misrepresentation and distortion .
5 and that all Shares so purchased in pursuance of this authority shall be cancelled immediately upon completion of the purchase and the amount of the Company 's issued share capital ( but not authorised share capital ) shall be reduced by the nominal amount of the Shares so purchased ’ .
6 ‘ Come , ’ they say to one another , ‘ Let us build ourselves a city , and a tower with its top in the heavens , and let us make a name for ourselves , lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth ’ ( 11.4 ) .
7 Are you are you sort of saying in fact that the erm that the the success of those qua of the rebirth of the slate industry in has depended largely upon erm these mens skill erm as well as the investment of the quarry owners ?
8 The educational system had failed him — an education system that had relied largely upon on-the-job training and part-time or distance study was inadequate and had ineptly squandered the intellect of its candidates .
9 There was a general view that all women held within them the potential to become hysterical ; from ‘ nervous ’ to ‘ hysteric ’ to insane was a sliding scale , and all women were positioned somewhere upon it .
10 It was n't fair , just or right for the Signora to come before the hour appointed ; she should have been admitted by Giovanna herself and the keys should have remained hanging on their appointed hook ; the other set being in the pocket of Giovanna 's overall from which she now drew them and held them up making it clear that they would be relinquished only upon her death and then only into the hands of Signor Kettering .
11 Darlington argues persuasively that Marx believed the process of evolution to be by direct Lamarkian and not by indirect Darwinian , or selective means : that is to say , that the environment in which individuals found themselves operated directly upon them to adjust them to it and that the adjustments were transmitted by them to the next generation ; and not that , fortuitous mutations having occurred in the genetic package , they would when favourable equip the mutant for greater success in the given environment than the unmutated form could achieve .
12 The danger of the current developments is two-fold : that they are likely to lead to the curriculum becoming dominated by technique ; and that the techniques in question are imported from the outside world , and are imposed arbitrarily upon , and unconnected with , the curriculum .
13 The collapse of the previous International was also attributed by Lenin to the deviant ideology of its leaders and the Comintern was consequently designed in see that orthodoxy was imposed centrally upon all sections .
14 The McKinsey-GE matrix also recognizes that in many businesses investment decisions can not be made simply upon information about market growth and the current share held .
15 The position is complicated by two further factors : the statutory responsibilities placed directly upon certain officers , and the professional qualifications held by many people in local government service .
16 Painted directly upon the wall , it takes up almost the entire pub .
17 Here I must think Wordsworth is deeper than Milton , though I think it has depended more upon the general and gregarious advance of intellect , than individual greatness of Mind From the Paradise Lost and the other Works of Milton , I hope it is not too presuming , even between ourselves to say , that his Philosophy , human and divine , may be tolerably understood by one not much advanced in years …
18 Ludens had reflected uneasily upon this episode .
19 ‘ He had long been in a bad state of health , which he took no care to repair but on the contrary lived in such a manner as greatly promoted the disorders he had had long upon him , this brought on the Flux which put a period to his life ’ ( Cook ) .
20 She had never met Naomi in her life , but in death she grew to love her : she had taken her into herself , had learned her likings , had read her books and tried ( although not herself musical ) to listen to her music , she had spoken much of her to the children , had insisted upon treating her as an ally , as a friend beyond the grave , had reinvented her and kept her close to them — oh , not without awareness of the dangers , of the necessary distortions and consolations , but then all life is danger , and Liz had embarked willingly upon its full tide with those three small boys , with that ambitious , importunate widower and that friendly ghost .
21 Some studies have dwelt solely upon the CU aspect of membership , with a focus upon manufacturing industry .
22 That , perhaps , is one reason why Mr Clinton has dwelt particularly upon ‘ symbolic ’ politics : like making the armed forces accept gays or staffing his administration with an eye to ethnic ‘ balance ’ .
23 Till rooted deep upon the yielding plain ,
24 The door was closed firmly upon her .
25 What is clear is that if economic growth — which has already slowed down , particularly during the 1980s , in most of the industrial countries — continues to decline , while the claims of governments to legitimacy remain founded primarily upon their ability to promote such growth , then we can anticipate a period of increasing political instability and turbulence .
26 Process rights are modelled closely upon those of ordinary courts , and any balancing is undertaken within this context .
27 UK governments , until recently , have relied traditionally upon fiscal policy , i.e. variations in government expenditure and taxation , as the primary weapon to achieve its objectives .
28 It is a common fault , particularly in criminal law , to give the impression that the answer is based wholly upon common sense and a few gleanings from the Sunday newspapers .
29 Researched and compiled by Alan Webb and published by him care of the Mosquito Aircraft Museum , At First Sight is a magnificent and original unit history , based entirely upon accounts written by former 627 Squadron members .
30 Punk rock was over by then anyway ( real punks claimed it finished in 1976 , but who were the ‘ real ’ punks ? ) and in its place there was an orgy of cross-cultural pollination , based entirely upon received ideas .
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