Example sentences of "[vb past] about half " in BNC.

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1 So you your end of Sunday came about half past eight when the church closed down , cos services did n't start too early in those days , at six thirty , I think .
2 Came about half ten , so I do n't know what time I went down the Rave 's , be that time .
3 As to the liquor , it filled about half the coffin and in it ‘ feathers , flowers , and herbs in abundance were floating , the leaves and stalks of which appeared quite perfect , but totally discoloured ’ .
4 It had around three times the membership of the CFDT and received about half of the votes cast in enterprise committee elections .
5 Erm , about one o'clock , and finished about half past six , seven .
6 The last time I made about half a pint of bread sauce , I lost half the bread sauce all over it !
7 ( On average we sold about half of each person 's goods . )
8 ( On average we sold about half of each persons goods . )
9 Granny lived about half a mile away , in a narrow street with drab shops dotted between the houses , which were one down and two up , like ours .
10 The Low Country , which contained about half of Sinhala Sri Lanka 's population , corresponded roughly to the area which was subject to direct Dutch and Portuguese political influence .
11 So erm so went about half past five .
12 Some 10,000,000 Kurds in south-eastern Turkey represented about half of the world 's Kurdish population .
13 The preparation and signing of the document took about half an hour .
14 That took about half an hour , and I could n't feel a thing from the waist down .
15 Only took about half his bottle .
16 Then he lived about half way and , and er , one or two more he lived at the top house on the right and somebody over the other side .
17 One Air Force Day we were putting up stands for a show and he leapt up and did about half a dozen speeches from Henry IV and Henry V .
18 I er I phoned him up to let him know I was going in and he 's not too far away you see so asked him if he 'd like to pop in so he did about half eleven .
19 This , at least , is the view of Gair ( 1978 ) , who reports that a Gallup Poll in May 1978 showed that 40 per cent of Americans did not know that the United States imported oil at all , and that hardly any of them knew that it imported about half its crude oil and refined products at that time .
20 We left there , we left about half five , six in the morning did n't we and we were getting lost in and we knew it was in the village in that town but we could n't find it and we kept getting lost so we all pulled her up and he went back and he said to this man can you tell me where the
21 Terry Thomas , managing director , said about half a dozen accounts had had to be ‘ squeezed out ’ where the customers were engaged in activities such as factory farming and hunting .
22 At this time he only ran about half the companies in Belfast .
23 The small party — Peter Young by now had about half the men he had brought from Maaloy — opened fire on the warehouse , the Colonel having already emptied his revolver in firing at a sniper 's window , and they kept the German from the window long enough for George Herbert to splash a bucket of petrol over the wooden walls .
24 On the other hand , I had read the paper since I was 11 and had about half a dozen good jokes about The Cure that I was keen to share with the nation .
25 had about half a day about there , waiting for boat to take us across to France .
26 The main part of the chamber was taken up by a table , long and black and battered , that stood at right angles to the sergeant 's desk and had about half a dozen unpadded chairs around it .
27 Spain , which had about half of the EC 's fishing fleet , was accused of taking an inequitable share of fish in Irish waters , of failing to regulate its fleets properly , and of repeated violations of EC catch quotas .
28 You know he had about half a dozen in there , you know he
29 My lesson lasted about half the time of Tony 's , terminating as he was explaining the purpose of the deadman 's handle to me when a gust filled his chute and hauled him off in fine style .
30 It acknowledged that this was not possible in these cases , since they each supplied about half of the total energy needs of their respective regions .
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