Example sentences of "[coord] earlier than " in BNC.

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1 Individuals go to bed later or earlier than average on certain occasions , as can be seen by close inspection of Fig. 2.2 .
2 Some schools , e.g. in East London and Liverpool , adjusted their hours to take account of the needs of poorer children both for earnings and education , beginning or ending the school day later or earlier than was the custom , enabling schoolchildren to work before or after school .
3 Trudgill begins by trying to identify those features which are accommodated to most readily or earlier than others .
4 Not only is the Newton St. Loe pavement dated a good 30-40 years earlier than has been suggested above , the Withington mosaic is later than the former and earlier than the Barton Farm and Woodchester examples ( as an increasing elaboration of design is accepted as the criterion by which these developments are best understood ) .
5 The important point is that by Interpretation 2 we mean that , on the whole , the deltaic deposits shown in the centre of the diagram were laid down later than the fluviatile deposits but earlier than the offshore deposits .
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