Example sentences of "[coord] thus [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When an insect alights on water , the surface is dimpled by its legs and thus extended and so the surface energy is increased .
2 Before World War II , Brazil introduced high rates of effective protection for local manufacturers against imports ( up to nearly 70 per cent during the 1960s ) and thus created a strong and enduring anti-export bias ( Balassa , 1985 : p. 27 ) .
3 Just as men had at some remote date in the past surrendered some of their individual rights to a sovereign and thus created civil society , so now each State must surrender some of its sovereignty to a supranational authority .
4 In Skinner 's instrumental learning/conditioning process ( as opposed to Pavlov 's classical conditioning ) the student emits a foreign language response which is comprehended and thus rewarded by the reinforcement of the teacher 's approval .
5 Women gained access to relatively safe abortion , and thus gained control over their own fertility .
6 This gave the Germans a temporary advantage , but later on was the main cause which brought the US into the war and thus caused German defeat . ’
7 Thirdly , European industrialisation and population growth in the 1800s encouraged cheap food imports and thus stimulated economic development in North America and elsewhere .
8 Physical closeness in the temple workshops may have stimulated friendly rivalry to produce ever-finer works and thus stimulated technical and artistic development .
9 However , if each enterprise is a different company , each company being in itself a separate and distinct legal entity and thus taxed separately , the balancing of profit and loss between the enterprises so as to minimize overall tax liability can not be achieved .
10 This incident was an isolated one , but it served to highlight the overlap between the possible measures of performance that had been considered ; an undetected error not only slowed down the payment of the expenses , but could also have bought into question the honesty of the individual and thus affected the status of the section head .
11 Experimenters who expected their subjects to be brighter behaved differently towards the rats and thus affected the rats ' learning abilities .
12 And thus ended , in effect , the doctrine of ‘ assimilation ’ , a Revolutionary principle asserted in the French constitution of 1795 which declared that colonies were integral parts of the Republic .
13 Perhaps because I knew from an early age that he was not long for this world , I tried to make his time in it as pleasant as possible , and thus ended up treating him far better than most young boys treat their younger brothers .
14 In order to understand better and to compare offers received , it would be helpful to my clients if you were prepared to discuss the mechanics of your offer price which should be worked assuming a debt free group and thus based on profit before tax and interest .
15 By his calculations , domestic sales ( about a third of total sales ) accounted for as much as half of the peak load ( most of it space heating ) in severe weather , and thus imposed rather higher system costs than industrial and commercial sales .
16 Cash 's workers did not have to go out to the sound of the factory bell or whistle , but simply went upstairs from home to workshop , and thus kept a little of the independence they prized .
17 A prerequisite for such a standard is a shared language , a list of common terms capable of being coded and thus transmitted electronically .
18 The discipline is the only means by which these forces are consumed and thus destroyed .
19 If I had landed on the ski-track , which was hard-packed and icy , I 'd have probably broken my neck , but I seemed to swerve off centre and thus landed in a soft snow-bank and lay panting , stunned and breathless , for a few minutes .
20 When it was revealed that the 14 candidates polling the least votes and thus threatened with exclusion from the central committee included such notables as Abalkin , Shevardnadze , Ryzhkov , Defence Minister Dmitry Yazov and CPSU international department head Valentin Falin , Gorbachev intervened with a proposal that they too should be deemed elected by virtue of having won a legitimate majority , this being accepted by the congress .
21 Sambrook , on the other hand , sees greater efficacy in Goldsmith 's protest ; he suggests that this poet ‘ established the myth of rural catastrophe in its familiar form ’ and thus contributed to the development of English Utopianism among writers from Wollstonecraft to Ruskin who project a countryside humanized by fit housing and land reform .
22 In Western market economies the law has underpinned the market and thus contributed to economic development .
23 This means that many mergers for which there have been no demonstrable advantages , but which have not been found to be overtly anti-competitive , have been allowed through , and thus contributed to the general increase in industrial concentration .
24 The paper , he said , moved the argument against mining on environmental grounds one step further by suggesting that the world could not afford the ecological price of meeting its present demand for mineral resources , and by arguing that the mining industry was a profligate user of energy and thus contributed to global warming .
25 For the individual blocs the falling output-capital ratios were rather greater ( 10–20 per cent ) and thus contributed significantly to falls in profitability .
26 For these countries , the scale of expansion was not affected by the dollar crisis ( although the form may have been — the ‘ automatic ’ nature of the monetary expansion generated by dollar inflows may have bred a more monetary , and less fiscal , policy mixture than would otherwise have been adopted , and thus contributed to the easy money regime ) .
27 As you might expect , a much higher proportion of serious crime is liable to be reported to the police and thus recorded .
28 In November of 1936 , a Franco-Lebanese treaty theoretically recognised the ‘ independence ’ of Lebanon but France was permitted to keep an army in the country and thus maintained considerable political control .
29 ‘ Profligate spending has not only driven employers and would-be employers away and thus lost jobs , but resources have been taken away from other areas by the rate support grant formula as the spiral of inner city decline causes the rate base in inner city areas to diminish , while their needs … grow ’
30 Frank had a shot in the bar — he played alone up front — but Norway 's U21 team was playing cowardly ( ? ) /took too few chances and thus lost .
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