Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] around " in BNC.

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1 Indirect evidence of vadose diagenesis in carbonates comes from ‘ fitted textures ’ ( Fig. 5.16e ) , where expansion and or dissolution around grain margins has occurred beneath a soil zone .
2 Unusual soreness or redness around the mouth , nose or eyes .
3 ‘ We did not have enough heart or bravery around the penalty area where it matters most against a team that was committed and strong .
4 Take a small piece of glass , lay a circle of acrylic sealant or putty around the edges , and press it firmly to the floor , putty side down .
5 If the patio already has a wall or balustrade around it , this feature can be returned down the sides of the stairwell .
6 Put metal or plastic around the sides of doors .
7 Prevent snow and ice damaging upright conifers by winding twine or netting around the branches to keep them upright and in place .
8 If the bags are full of rotting food , or there is a smell or filth around the place , then more action may need to be taken , but the first priority is establishing what the person concerned feels , before asking ‘ Would it be helpful for someone to come in and give a hand with tidying up ? ’
9 One was not moving either weight or air around the countryside .
10 Tie in or shorten long stems ; mound strawy manure or soil around stems in cold areas .
11 The entrances can be defined as those holes exhibiting quantities of scraped-out sand or soil around them , whereas a bolt or exit hole is simply that , a hole in the ground with no other clue to its whereabouts than that hole .
12 Away from the hotel there 's plenty to discover as you ramble or cycle around this little island ( cars are not allowed ) .
13 Teachers taking part will be asked to work in threes , each group being given a theme or aspect around which to devise a short combination of movements .
14 If it had happened to anyone else , to any of her friends , half their garments would now be lying under glass or dust around the floor .
15 Swollen , inflamed parotids ; sub-mandibular glands too — they may be stony hard with a sensation of tension or pressure around them ; pains often shoot into the ears on swallowing ; dry rough throat with difficulty swallowing especially hot things ; pale face and skin .
16 What had been a small dark circle was a larger dark circle , with just a suspicion of smoke or steam around its edges .
17 No , I soon thought , not for me hang-gliding or white water canoeing or push-biking around the Himalayas or starring in parent/teacher bloody and painful , and of course exciting , rugby matches !
18 The hand driller could always drill wet , with perhaps a twist of straw or rag around the jumper to prevent the water splashing , except in holes inclined upwards into which water could not be introduced .
19 ( It is simply not true that all Spanish colonialists were brutal , arrogant exploiters of the indigenous peoples ; there was a great deal of theological questioning and guilt and struggle around this issue , as the lives of such men as Bartolomé de las Casas makes clear . )
20 As the area still had very little industry , the profit generated by trade and agriculture around Danzig was hardly ever invested locally .
21 I have seen him striding through Soho eating a sandwich and talking to himself at the same time , oblivious to the cars and traffic and noise around him , deep in thought .
22 I rarely made a comment on what someone was wearing ; we would sit in a park or café or at home discussing image , beauty , fashion and advertising , and skirt around the more obvious , immediate issues of how we both looked , how we were dressed .
23 He was so kind , remained solid flesh and blood around me , made a solid shape against the trembling anguish calling itself mother .
24 Dampen ends slightly and wind around medium rollers .
25 Yet in the back of his mind this young man harbours a trunk full of doubts and confusion around sex .
26 ‘ The way I see it , ’ he said , strategically deploying troops and artillery around a wall-to-wall map , ‘ with a little more armour the Germans could be really kicking ass . ’
27 Internationalisation — Company Programmes have developed an understanding of working with multicultural groups and the differing managerial styles and practice around the world .
28 They have their own zoo at the Amman palace and speed around the grounds in minijeeps .
29 A third has just returned from an overnight trip to Otterbur in the north-east of England Where it has been helping to move personnel and matériel around the ranges .
30 IBM and a few other US and Japanese companies provide the electronic means for much administrative and bureaucratic work at the heart of government and management around the world .
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