Example sentences of "[noun sg] at regular " in BNC.

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1 However I am having a problem with soot from a neighbour 's chimney which falls into the pond at regular intervals .
2 One way is to relieve pressure on the sensitive points by changing the distribution of a person 's weight at regular , two-hourly intervals .
3 As always when drawing , I stand back from the piece at regular intervals to get an overall feel as to how the drawing is developing , and to see if it is uniform in shade and texture .
4 As always when drawing , I stand back from the piece at regular intervals to get an overall feel as to how the drawing is developing , and to see if it is uniform in shade and texture .
5 This sort of procedure is well established in other organizations , such as the University , and provided the preferred suppliers are properly chosen in the first place , and alternative source prices are kept under review at regular intervals , I think there are economic advantages in standardising suppliers .
6 A simple programmer repeats this action at regular intervals .
7 Meanwhile , pipe decorative lengths down the skirt at regular intervals , and little rosettes on top .
8 With the dissolving in liquid , and subsequent shaking of the bottle before each dose , the potency is gradually raised , expanded , and intensified to continually stimulate the vital force at regular intervals .
9 Taking our cue from the Cardiff group 's vision of a system which ‘ would recall the patients to see their general practitioner at regular intervals , warn … and request … both clinical information and blood for estimation of glycosylated haemoglobin , ’ we have developed a system for prompting community care of non-insulin dependent ( type II ) diabetes .
10 Benny found herself in a rock-walled tunnel , with bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling at regular intervals .
11 Early on June 30 a small group of Army officers led by Lt. Mwamba Luchembe succeeded in broadcasting at regular intervals over 90 minutes a message on national radio saying that the Army had taken over in response to the food price rises .
12 Next to the Met Office was the teleprinter room where yards of paper would come spewing out from the machine at regular intervals , bearing coded weather reports from all the other Met Stations in the United Kingdom and a few weather ships in the Atlantic , and these had to be painstakingly plotted on blank charts of the British Isles .
13 Both the product and the quality-control system are audited by the British Standards Institute at regular intervals .
14 In addition to this tension in the purposes of assessment pointed to by Broadfoot , we also have to consider the future impact of proposals to introduce national testing at regular intervals .
15 The Quality Audit of a centre will take place at regular intervals , probably around every five years ( unless either SCOTVEC or the centre triggers an earlier event . )
16 Even more amazing than this remote-control brooding is the way in which it visits the mound at regular intervals and tests the temperature inside with its beak .
17 A planet at regular intervals regresses , that is , stops its westward motion among the stars ( as viewed from earth ) and for a short time retraces its path eastward before continuing its journey westward once again .
18 But Charles the Bald also had a communications-network of his own : in his kingdom , many Roman roads had survived , with a system of public provision of food and transport at regular staging-posts at least along some routes .
19 A variety of details relating to senior staff , including length of service both in the present job and in the BAA and date of retirement , can be shown on a computer report and copies are sent to both the Chairman and Managing Director at regular intervals .
20 The switchboard can automatically call the guest 's room at regular intervals until a reply is received .
21 The experimenter will then deliver a certain amount of water at regular intervals to the control group , but will systematically vary the amount of water delivered to the experimental group .
22 We all overfly the border at regular intervals .
23 They had settled down to happy domestic bliss and a couple took strict turns to collect pay and rations from Aviemore railway station at regular intervals .
24 Altogether , the Drummond House workforce sip their way 22,000 cuppas each week which means there are so many empties they have to be carted off by lorry at regular intervals .
25 The normal practice is to take someone who is incontinent , and who may also be confused , to the toilet at regular intervals and before meals .
26 Such incidents happen with greater or lesser degrees of seriousness at regular intervals in all our lives .
27 Prejudice against deaf drivers nevertheless persists and continues to require intervention by the BDA on their behalf at regular intervals .
28 By this stage formal lectures will normally have ceased , and students will meet their supervisor at regular intervals during the preparation of the dissertation .
29 Reassessment at regular intervals , eg every 3–6 months is advised .
30 The second part of the scheme would provide a means of assessing the general state of the water environment at regular intervals .
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