Example sentences of "[modal v] have changed " in BNC.

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1 She 's been fretting herself to flinders , in case you should 've changed your mind . ’
2 We should have changed it . ’
3 It is hard to see why these considerations should have changed under mass culture .
4 ‘ I think they should have changed the end ’ he said ,
5 She had never fully understood why her life should have changed so suddenly and drastically , though she knew by rote the duties and privileges of married ladies , and did her best to play her part decorously .
6 They should have changed it over .
7 Then he must have changed his mind .
8 Then it must have changed its mind , and started to grow in two directions , a narrower tube into the ‘ mouthpiece ’ and a broader one into the ‘ horn ’ , and there is some evidence that the ‘ horn ’ end continued to get wider and longer .
9 ‘ They must have changed their minds , and decided to leave quickly , ’ Mary told herself .
10 The tales must have changed significantly over the generations .
11 He must have changed ponies an awful lot .
12 Then they realized Quinn must have changed vehicle again .
13 She must have changed her mind because she called us back .
14 ‘ He must have changed so much , ’ she said .
15 She must have changed over nearly forty years ; he 'd simply failed to notice .
16 It is intriguing to speculate , as you stand in a swamp listening to this astounding and deafening chorus , that , although much must have changed in the millions of years since the first amphibians appeared , it was , nonetheless , an amphibian voice that first sounded over the land which , until then , had heard nothing but the chirps and whirrs of insects .
17 The definition can be made more accurate , but not wholly satisfactory by specifying that the other animal must have changed its behaviour because it perceived the signal through its sense organs , and was not physically forced .
18 She must have changed radically since she came to France , a carefree young woman writing home enthusiastic letters about her life in the sun .
19 But it must have changed the , the
20 And er this bicycle well it would go out of fashion and was put in a , a loft in one of the , it must have changed hands from Mr whom it was made for .
21 The problem which arises from this is that we are never given any inkling of the totality of a king 's estates , and there is a particular difficulty in trying to construct a picture of crown land by listing all references to it from the whole Merovingian period ; if kings rewarded their followers by conferring estates on them , even though the grant might not be hereditary , the pool of land must have changed constantly .
22 Dispersal agents must have changed with time as in long-lived taxa such as Ginkgo biloba ( Ginkgoaceae ) and Podocarpaceae , which were probably dispersed by long-extinct groups of reptiles , while in the largest genus of plants with fleshy fruits in New Zealand , Coprosma ( Rubiaceae ) , comprising 29% of all such species there and 50% of the species of fleshy-fruited shrubs , 52 species are dispersed by birds , bats , lizards and formerly the moas , now extinct .
23 His life must have changed dramatically that June day three years ago .
24 He must have changed .
25 She must have changed greatly in this time , although Gatsby still has a fixed , perfect image of her , seeing her more as goddess , than an ordinary human being , with bad as well as good points .
26 Education , particularly for women , in that period must have changed enormously ?
27 I doubt that he 'll have changed … he 's got a dodgy injury too …
28 Well I 'll have changed one next week .
29 and he 'll have changed his mind , and he 'll say
30 ‘ Things might have changed for you too by then , you know .
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