Example sentences of "[conj] giving [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So much can be conveyed by putting your arms around someone 's shoulders or giving them a kiss .
2 I do n't think it 's necessarily about teaching er children primarily about sex or about sexual pleasure , I think it 's all , initially , about personal hygiene and then developing that into how they can make their life safer for themself , or giving them choices to say , well I can choose to become pregnant or not to become pregnant and , I think it 's more about choices rather than saying orgasms and erm sexual pleasure , or
3 Some hospitals are already trying to make mealtimes more fun by having children 's favourites on the menu or giving them child-friendly utensils , but many hospitals lag behind .
4 I caught myself shouting at people or giving them lectures about elementary things like the importance of oiling their bikes ( I later discovered that oiling bikes in dusty regions wears out the moving parts rather than preserving them ) .
5 Well leaving them a key or giving them the key to get in .
6 The alternatives would seem to be handing General Noriega to the US forces to face trial on drug-trafficking charges , which the Vatican has said it will not do , or giving him up to the new Panamanian Government , which has already declared it ‘ has enough on him to put Noriega away for life ’ .
7 Instead of throwing a ball for him — a game he loved — or giving him a stick to carry in his mouth — the next best thing — Angela shrank back , as she did n't understand him and wanted to be rid of him .
8 George is also quite generous with his possessions , giving Lennie a larger portion of their food , or giving him all of his ketchup to keep him happy .
9 But she could n't remember anyone approaching her , or giving her the document .
10 She understood now what Mr Stanforth had meant by describing him as a man who had deliberately evaded certain responsibilities and involvements , and even kept his affairs in scrupulous order mainly to avoid being badgered , or giving anyone a hold on him .
11 It was partly with the new saw table and also he wanted to try and get more er sellable saleable product out of the slate , cos previously we had been throwing away quite a bit or giving it to and I think it really started as a family argument between him and his brother .
12 There may also be inheritance tax implications , so if you are thinking of leaving or giving your home to someone , you are strongly advised to consult a solicitor or accountant .
13 Just stick to the Government recommendations by breastfeeding or giving your baby infant formula , as well as a variety of solids , until she 's a year old .
14 Be assured however that if I can in any manner contribute to the success of your efforts , either by the proposal of questions for discussion , or subjects for Papers or giving my opinions on any part of the Veterinary Art which you may think proper to investigate I shall at all times feel myself honored by the request , & I am persuaded that Mr Sewell will be most happy to ( ? add ) his exertions in any way congenial to your wishes .
15 11 Do n't allow yourself to be dominated by the student who always knows , or thinks he knows , the answer or who is always asking you questions or giving his opinion on the state of the world .
16 Even when she was talking to you or giving you your change , you could feel her smile going somewhere over your shoulder as she took in the whole room behind you .
17 When the spirit parted from the body it found no one asking anything of it nor giving it any directions . )
18 Wandering in the road , although giving you good all-round vision , puts you at the mercy , even late at night , of the local juggernaut or aspiring Grand Prix racer .
19 They argue for the empowerment of subordinated groups , rather than giving them selective access to existing hierarchies ; for the ‘ democratization ’ of the curriculum by reorganizing knowledge to advantage the disadvantaged ; and for special teacher training for teachers to assist girls in resisting the sexist demands of their schools .
20 What other things , what other things other than giving them actually
21 Rather than giving her any other jobs .
22 I got pregnant because you spent all my life filling my head with romantic ideas rather than giving me any practical advice .
23 But Whitehall should contract out as much as possible of this research to industry itself rather than giving it to government establishments .
24 Giving credit for extended periods is always more risky than giving it for shorter periods .
25 Antenor de Santa Cruz , commander of the Amazon , spoke on behalf of the military when he pledged to fight any defence of the ‘ environment and minorities ’ and to ‘ occupy the [ Yanomami ] area , rather than giving it up . ’
26 you know , the money is put towards their f food and things , rather than giving it to somebody else .
27 Aboriginal communities have been so disenfranchised in the past that giving them a say in policies and decisions affecting them is seen as a key element in improving their health
28 Indeed , the Aboriginal communities have been so disenfranchised in the past that giving them a say in decisions and policies affecting them is seen as a key element in improving their health .
29 Most people had come to understand the danger posed by Hitler 's Germany ; but they decided to delude themselves into believing that giving him Austria and Czechoslovakia would buy him off .
30 In that giving she found completion and happiness beyond all expectation .
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