Example sentences of "[adv] the opposite " in BNC.

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1 The folds in the return maps prevent the relatively simple analysis of the strange attractor from remaining true , since points which are separated by the expansion in one direction can , if they are later on the opposite sides of the fold in the map , be forced back together again by the contraction in the other direction .
2 I do n't think so ; rather the opposite , if anything .
3 This slack gives vitals seconds to get down the opposite flank before the load comes on the rope .
4 So from four we count five backwards count minus five just means count down the opposite way , so we go one , two , three , four , five , so it should be minus one .
5 So the opposite is the one opposite the angle .
6 Giving in , or submissive behaviour , is more or less the opposite side of the coin to aggressive behaviour .
7 None the less the opposite argument is equally shaky ; it would be frightening to imagine teachers embarking on the planning of a term 's work or even one single-period unit without asking themselves the simplest questions : " Why am I doing this ?
8 No rudder , no turn , it 's as simple as that , and in the approach phase this can be particularly disconcerting , as an aileron deflection into a cross wind will in fact produce a yaw and turn in entirely the opposite direction unless rudder is used .
9 On the other hand , some agencies recommend entirely the opposite :
10 The words said one thing , but the tone of Luke 's deep voice said entirely the opposite , and Fran shot him a withering look , then winced as his hand tightened around hers in a painful warning .
11 For me , ‘ overdone ’ and ‘ unrealized ’ are just the opposite poles of a hyperactive musical intelligence .
12 Some stimuli in the environment will help you diet , and some will have just the opposite effect .
13 Clearly , training that allows the subjects to come to the task with these associations ready formed will be of help ; and equally clearly , reversed pre-training will have just the opposite effect .
14 Bottle-wrack 's reproductive habit has exactly the effect of increasing this ratio ; splurge-weed 's habit has just the opposite effect .
15 But it seems to me to be having just the opposite effect . ’
16 He sank into the part with total conviction or — just the opposite — he put it on with open contempt and boredom .
17 In the automobile industry , the reality is just the opposite — companies that are good at manufacturing are also good at development .
18 Mum and Dad do just the opposite , mostly because of Septimus ' wriggling , and ‘ one of those nights ’ ensues .
19 Smaller quantities of carboxymethyl cellulose , on the other hand , have just the opposite effect , helping to stick montmorillonite particles together .
20 If Deffenbacher is correct in his conclusion that effective arousal manipulations result in an impairment of memory , how is it possible for Heuer and Reisberg ( 1990 ) to conclude just the opposite , both from their experimental results and a review of previous research ?
21 As Jespersen points out , " here we have a reference to an event that is past , or at any rate contemporaneous , in relation to the time of the main verb " , that is , just the opposite sequence of events to that which our hypothesis should have led us to expect .
22 I do n't think so , really it 's just the opposite problem of what we 've got over here , being submissive now we all know what being being sub submissive yes we let people walk all over us we do n't say yeah we we listen to what everybody else says and therefore the opposite is you 're gon na get aggressive to get what we want .
23 , so the complex number that is the square root , is either two in that pair , minus five , plus three , nine , or it is five minus three , nine , so it 's either that one , or it 's that one , and we can write that down very , very simply because that one and that one are just the opposite sides , but either plus or minus .
24 In times past , I had tried to get across to the continent as much as possible , but now , while other people were going abroad for the first time because of all the cheap travel around , I was ( without intending to be anti-social ) doing exactly the opposite and taking a look around the British Isles .
25 Phoebe , who might have been a slut , had in fact become exactly the opposite — she had not time or patience or tolerance for anyone she considered to be exploiting the manual work of other women .
26 This new use meant a severe criticism of the earlier knowledge , since Marx believed that the studies he was using had originally been made for exactly the opposite purpose to his ; they had been made in order to justify the oppression which Marx say as the core of the capitalist system .
27 This would tend to slow down capital turnover of old , inefficient equipment , exactly the opposite effect that is required . ’
28 Sandys ’ Reformation did exactly the opposite : his policies reinforced British military capabilities for nuclear war , while cutting the ships , aircraft and above all infantry needed for the type of fighting in which military forces have been constantly engaged in the latter half of the twentieth century .
29 However , there are countervailing pressures since , at the same time , broader educational needs are pulling in exactly the opposite direction and require teachers to operate in the extended dimension in many ways .
30 The Liberal Democrat approach is exactly the opposite : we aim to take power away from Westminster and Whitehall , giving new powers to stronger , more independent and more democratic local councils — elected by fair votes .
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