Example sentences of "[adv] happening to " in BNC.

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1 He said , love goes on happening to you .
2 It was all happening to him , right there in a see-through plastic telephone nodule in the airport concourse with the crowds jostling and plaintive announcements coming over the Tannoy system , and the orange-juice machines gurgling and travellers humping suitcases about with those peculiarly tense expressions people always adopt prior to a long-haul flight .
3 ‘ With Jimmy just happening to be there ? ’
4 It really did n't feel like it was such big stuff , it was just happening to me and I believed I was going to be all right .
5 Finally , the strategies for change can be found in an analysis of what has gone before and a cultural intervention in what is socially happening to disabled people .
6 A plant you do n't water , it droops but it does not die/your collection of erotic images is considerable but it 's always happening to someone else .
7 " Things like this are always happening to me , " she said , and shrugged put her elbows on the sill of the window and smiled down at him .
8 Dennis Parsons was so deeply and intrinsically boring that it was almost impossible to imagine anything as exciting as being murdered ever happening to him .
9 It is impossible to imagine such an accident ever happening to the meticulous and super-observant John Gould , but Darwin was no ornithologist , and , as a naturalist , he had had little training in the disciplines of collecting or identification .
10 Furthermore , what was happening to us was also happening to others , notably the Germans , and could of course happen to anyone .
11 Instances of police racial harassment which had always happened to other people , were now happening to us .
12 After we finished that poem , late in the evening of 2 November , we went walking through the streets of Salamanca for most of the night , for the poem had persuaded us that something remarkable was really happening to us , that some kind of poetic grace had been bestowed upon us .
13 This is often exactly what the panic attack victim thinks and does when they have no idea what is really happening to them .
14 She shut her eyes , unsure if she was trying to blot out the unexpected hunger in his kiss , or opting for her ostrich trick again and trying to pretend this was n't happening to her .
15 It has been like that , something that was n't happening to us . ’
16 Frau Geller murmured something to her companion about it never happening to a woman unless she 'd been asking for it .
17 They could n't believe it was all real — that the nightmare was actually happening to them .
18 She still could n't quite believe that all this was actually happening to her .
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