Example sentences of "[adv] the period " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore the period of intense pollution at the beginning of the mining was now barred by statute from legal suit and also the company could claim it had provided compensation then which was accepted .
2 Nonetheless , the pluralism of programme companies , the coexistence of private and public radio stations — in the 1930S as in the 1980S — has led some to observe : perhaps the period 1945–81 , of a state monopoly of transmission networks and of programming , was a hiatus , an aberration in the tradition of French broadcasting .
3 In these he has tried to reflect not only the period in which their music was written but also to devise a particular way of dancing inspired by the structure and tone of the particular piece of music ( see page 41 ) .
4 Taking only the period in which this book has been written , and limiting the location to the UK , there have been numerous similar press-provoked scandals in which the homosexual has kept turning up where he or she should not , especially at the ‘ respectable ’ centre of things : in MI5 , the Houses of Parliament , as parliamentary candidate , schoolteacher , council employee , prison chaplain , vicar , guard to the Queen Mother , film star , circuit judge , to cite only some ( and some whose lives have been destroyed by homophobic media harassment ) .
5 Although , with the elimination of Barbe and Celor from the leadership in August 1931 , and with the increasing prominence given by Maurice Thorez and Jacques Duclos in 1932 to a popular front approach , the ferocity of sectarian politics abated somewhat between 1931 and 1933 , nevertheless the period from 1927 to 1933 , during which Nizan was initiated into communist party politics , was characterised above all by what is perhaps most accurately described as " sectarian simplicity " .
6 As seen above , for example , there appear to have been two " regular " as distinct from any possible " ceremonial " investitures , apparently called and defined just below — while Abdurrahman Efendi was Rumeli kazasker ( 958–64/1551 7 ) , namely in 959 and 963 ; and Ata'i states that in the time of his successor , Molla Hamid ( Hamid ) , Rumeli kazasker from 964/1557 to 974/5566 , were decreed in Dhu " l-Hijja 968/August-September 1561 and in Sha'ban 973/March 1566 : thus the period 958 to 974 saw in 959 , 963 , 968 , and 973 .
7 As δ increases the terms in the sequence C t decrease , thus the period of temporary reputation grows longer .
8 Broadly the period 1951–87 can be divided into four parts : 1951–64 , a period of comparatively little social policy innovation which may be regarded as a time of consolidation or stagnation , according to one 's political viewpoint ; 1964–74 , a period of fairly intense policy change stimulated by both political parties , in which considerable difficulties were experienced in translating aspirations into practice ; 1974–78 , a period in which rapid inflation and government by the Labour party without a parliamentary majority administered a severe shock to the political and social system , and to all who believed that there was still a need for developments in social policy ; and 1979–87 , when much more explicitly anti-welfare state Conservative administrations reinforced that shock by deliberately treating inflation as more deserving of its attention than unemployment , attacking public services which were seen as inhibiting economic recovery and seeking ways to ‘ privatize ’ public services .
9 Considering that this was just the period when women were making history , Thompson has got it very wrong indeed .
10 Generally the period for serving the counternotice will not be of the essence ( Davstone ( Holdings ) Ltd v Al-Rifai ( 1976 ) 32 P & CR 18 ) even where the clause also provides that in the absence of a counternotice the tenant is deemed to have agreed the rent specified in the landlord 's notice ( Mecca Leisure Ltd v Renown Investments ( Holdings ) Ltd ( 1984 ) 271 EG 989 ) .
11 Recently , the Auditing Practices Board ( APB ) suggested in the preface to its Exposure Draft , Going Concern , that ‘ … one year is normally the period during which it is expected that the financial statements can reasonably be relied upon ’ .
12 Seasonal variations , of course , normally occur over the period of one year : annual unemployment figures , therefore , can not be seasonally adjusted .
13 Thus there is no net loss or gain over the period of time .
14 This time is not the period required overall but the actual time the chemical is in contact with the soil and is known as contact time .
15 The construction of socialism , as a recent film about the life of Sergei Kirov had shown , was a time of enthusiasm and optimism , not the period of repression and ignorance of which the script had spoken .
16 The delay referred to in paras ( a ) and ( b ) is the delay between the expiry of the limitation period and the issue of the writ , and not the period between the beginning of the limitation period and the issue of the writ nor any period after the issue of the writ ( Thompson v Brown [ 1981 ] 1 WLR 751 ; Donovan v Gwentoys Ltd [ 1990 ] 1 WLR 472 ) .
17 On waiting lists , he points out that these only measure the time spent waiting patients have seen a hospital consultant and not the period leading up to that appointment .
18 So to impress him I told him briefly of the four stages of polio — first the porodomal , second the muscle pain , then the period of muscle destruction which usually took no longer than fourteen days , and finally the period of repair .
19 It is moreover the period of the newly general modem meanings of ‘ the arts ’ and ‘ the artist ’ , as terms indicating more than specific practices and practitioners and now centrally including conceptions of general ( and then often alternative or oppositional ) values .
20 Gradually the period between arrest and charge lengthened .
21 Socially and demographically the period has been dominated by two factors — the fall in the size of families and the increase in the expectation of survival to retirement , the effects of which are still far from having exhausted themselves .
22 It will , therefore , be capable of cutting short the period of time available for an activated word detector to generate and transmit a code to the lexical output systems .
23 In Turkey , the September coup brought to power a military regime headed by General Evren , cutting short the period of civilian parliamentary politics in which the personalities of Ecevit and Demirel were prominent and which was marred by much violence , urban and rural alike , with right- and left-wing extremists involved .
24 If hypnotics are prescribed , enough tablets for only a few nights should be given at any one time and the medication stopped once the period of distress is over .
25 Government give them a grant ( i.e. ‘ new ’ industries ) , cut the rent and all the rest and once the period of , you know , free rent period , free taxes … they move out .
26 But both the period of the ancien regime and the period of change in East Germany have revealed another German characteristic — that of going along with authority .
27 The significant points to note from this passage are firstly the way in which the blood of delivery is unclean ; secondly the way in which in the case of a boy 's birth circumcision intrudes in the text and interrupts both the period of the mother 's pollution and the account of that pollution ; and thirdly , the way in which the woman is finally cleansed of her impurity through the blood of sacrifice as administered by a circumcised male .
28 The bronze obelisk is 22 metres high and is decorated with the names of the dead of the Five Days together with a group of five weary people symbolizing both the period and the spirit of the Milanese .
29 The mean period is 331 days , but both the period and the amplitude change from one cycle to another .
30 The 1830s was not only the most successful decade abolitionists in England experienced in their history but also the period in which the fluctuating interaction of agitation in the country with manoeuvre by and within the political class was most nearly resolved into parliamentary and administrative activity as a direct expression of mobilised grass-roots attitudes .
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