Example sentences of "[adv] [art] period " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore the period of intense pollution at the beginning of the mining was now barred by statute from legal suit and also the company could claim it had provided compensation then which was accepted .
2 Nonetheless , the pluralism of programme companies , the coexistence of private and public radio stations — in the 1930S as in the 1980S — has led some to observe : perhaps the period 1945–81 , of a state monopoly of transmission networks and of programming , was a hiatus , an aberration in the tradition of French broadcasting .
3 In these he has tried to reflect not only the period in which their music was written but also to devise a particular way of dancing inspired by the structure and tone of the particular piece of music ( see page 41 ) .
4 Taking only the period in which this book has been written , and limiting the location to the UK , there have been numerous similar press-provoked scandals in which the homosexual has kept turning up where he or she should not , especially at the ‘ respectable ’ centre of things : in MI5 , the Houses of Parliament , as parliamentary candidate , schoolteacher , council employee , prison chaplain , vicar , guard to the Queen Mother , film star , circuit judge , to cite only some ( and some whose lives have been destroyed by homophobic media harassment ) .
5 The early twentieth century was very much a period of collecting together the data and presenting it en masse , seen at its best in G. Baldwin Brown 's exceptional study of the material of Anglo-Saxon archaeology as a whole The Arts in Early England ( 1903–1937 ) .
6 You can spread the payments over as long a period as you like .
7 The danger for the Government is that it may all come just a bit too late to expunge the memories of our current travails and of too long a period of neglect for the supply-side of the economy to respond .
8 Hahnemann felt that the ‘ single dose and wait ’ philosophy left too long a period of inaction and the speed of cure often too slow as the practitioner could do nothing but wait for the remedy to complete its ' curative curve .
9 Moreover , the committee , to be commended for having conducted its extensive researches and drawn its conclusions within a few months , has the advantage of immediacy over the Clark and Palmer committees , which sat over so long a period , in a rapidly changing environment , that eventually no one who was still able to recall the original brief was sure whether it was still relevant to the prevailing situation .
10 Exposing the board for too long a period will rarely cause any damage , but troublesome problems can be caused by underexposure , when the UV sensitive coating will not have thoroughly reacted to the UV light .
11 After so long a period of remorseless manufacturing decline in the UK , to hope for a reversal might seem wishful thinking .
12 After so long a period of remorseless manufacturing decline in the UK , to hope for a reversal might seem wishful thinking .
13 We were in danger of creating a system which would involve testing over far too long a period of time .
14 At the same time as this was happening teachers demanded to be treated ‘ as professionals ’ , scornfully ignoring the view , repeatedly expressed , that the disruption of children 's education for so long a period was hardly the behaviour that one might expect from members of a ‘ profession ’ .
15 But while a majority of informed public opinion , the target of persistent lobbying over so long a period , moved decisively towards outright abolition , fortified by the anomalous decisions resulting from the 1957 Homicide Act , the views of the general public continued to be hostile and mostly out of sympathy with the prevailing climate at Westminster and Whitehall .
16 How long a period of extended credit should be allowed ?
17 I shared command of the big " V " with two other skippers , Doug Thompson and Denis Mawe , as H.Q. frowned on any policy that kept an officer away from his home port and normal customs duties for too long a period .
18 He writes : Molla Hacihasanzade , who became kazasker for twenty-five years continuously through purposing the turning away and hindering of those capable of achieving renown by directing them to the path of kaza [ kadilik ] and of those who were spoken of as outstanding in excellence among their contemporaries by impeding their passage through the ranks ; and who had by this stratagem , over so long a period , found safety from the crush of those ulema who , by right of learning and excellence , might have passed through the ranks and become rivals to him …
19 Lord Pearce said , ‘ The only reasonable inference from the regular course of dealing over so long a period is that the buyers were evincing an acceptance of , and a readiness to be bound by , the printed conditions of whose existence they were well aware although they had not troubled to read them . ’
20 This austere doctrine meant for Frederick a lifetime of toil and effort : no monarch in the history of Europe has worked so hard over so long a period to meet obligations which were essentially self-imposed .
21 No matter for how long a period lifers are detained , the Home Secretary will release those people only if he considers that it is safe to do so .
22 And over how long a period should the migration be taken .
23 It is possible to start with 1.2A after 1.1Z , but this is symptomatic of too long a period between approvals .
24 The so-called ‘ age of reptiles ’ was merely a period when there were more reptiles than mammals because the earth had enjoyed uniformly hot conditions .
25 Whilst the agreements typically laid down a period of discussion between management and union representatives prior to the introduction of change , there were weaknesses in the terms dealing with provision of information , and early union involvement in decision making , which would have to be altered for effective union influence on the process of change .
26 Following this we have the long period of isostatic emergence , rapid weathering of the new mountains with the formation of molasse-type deposits , widespread red bed sedimentation and also perhaps a period of glaciation , before peneplanation , widespread marine transgressions and the recommencement of the cycle in new troughs .
27 It needs time to regain its normal elasticity and reduce in size so a period of loose stools is often desirable .
28 This deep-rooted process of change can now be brought to bear on the ‘ official ’ health system as the signing of the peace agreements between the government and the FMLN has ushered in a period of more open political struggle and has created new political spaces .
29 This recommendation ushered in a period of campaigning for and against the change .
30 In 1937 , a series of mass demonstrations in the oil industry had ushered in a period of severe labour unrest throughout the West Indies and this had led to the setting up of a Royal Commission , under Lord Moyne , to assess the social conditions on the islands .
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