Example sentences of "[pron] follows [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We shall assume in the discussion which follows that an ideal , well-formed proportional series is open .
2 Well , with a membership of 32,000 and an unemployment level of 70% it follows that there are many members who get little or no work within the profession .
3 Since karate competition is all about landing a controlled technique , it follows that shortsighted competitors may pose a danger both to themselves and to their opponents .
4 It follows that if you can deliver an effective and continuous attack , your chances of scoring are higher than when you throw a single technique .
5 However , in order to do this , it follows that you must be versatile and able to assume many different roles .
6 Since merely knowing the brain state does not reveal what the experience is like , and since what the experience is like , if it is a reality at all ( which Tye does not dispute ) , must be a fact about the experience ( or a feature or aspect of the experience , which will do just as well ) , it follows that the experience is not a brain state .
7 But if he has , I do n't think it follows that Fathers and Children has become a bad book in his eyes , but rather , it is now not all that good .
8 Accordingly , it follows that he should be concerned about the current account deficit as a matter of public policy .
9 It follows that the interest rate can no longer be used to defend sterling .
10 Since there was little or no lending to the Government during the year 1967/68 , it follows that that billion and a half of expenditure was financed from one of two sources .
11 It follows that the recurring emphasis within Elizabethan and Jacobean plays on life itself as a process of playing was not merely theatrical projection ; the world as a stage , life as artifice , and so on ; these were ideas which the theatre derived from , as well as conveyed to , its culture .
12 It follows that the key issue is the extent to which there was ( or was believed to be ) a significant Soviet threat to those supplies , especially in southern Iran .
13 It argued that of the half million British troops overseas , 200,000 were in areas that did not create a foreign currency liability , and of the rest few were in areas requiring direct dollar expenditure ; ‘ it follows that the contribution to be made to the balance of payments problem by the withdrawal of troops in overseas theatres will be strictly limited , will apply only to those areas when there is at present a currency obligation , and will produce little or no direct dollar saving . '
14 Now , since consciousness is adapted to the practical needs of society and that society divides into subsocieties which have a different type of existence , it follows that these different subsocieties develop their own consciousness .
15 Finally , since there is no simple correlation between high status for women and matriliny and since there is no simple connection between matriliny and type of technology , it follows that there is no simple connection between primitive technology and high status for women .
16 Of course , if an individual chooses evil then it follows that he must be punished , but he must be punished because he , or she , has deliberately chosen to do evil .
17 It follows that behind every statement we make about the historical Jesus there has to be a tacit qualification : ‘ We are told this by such-and-such an evangelist , writing in a particular literary mode , far a particular audience , in a particular place at a particular period of history . ’
18 If 600,000 write to Santa , it follows that a great many children believe in him .
19 It follows that the law which regulates the modes in which landowners can exercise this power of alienation — the law of conveyancing — has always been an important part of the land law .
20 In this society it follows that real talent goes unrewarded and unflinching purity of soul is automatically derided — on both these counts I am to be numbered among the punished , especially in regard to material goods and services , financial security , the trust and love of friendship , and the divinely counselled companionship of wife and family .
21 Since Karajan was first and foremost a great musician , it follows that Karajan the film-maker is a man who helps transform our aural sensibilities .
22 It follows that a tribe is a big family .
23 It follows that :
24 It follows that for a shape to assume constancy it must be closed and possess a skin , or comprehensible boundary .
25 It follows that there are some kinds of changes in the nuclear DNA ( such changes are called ‘ mutations ’ ; see p. 22 ) which will cause a change in the code .
26 It follows that some process other than random mutation and selection must be involved .
27 Since there is no necessary chemical connection between the substances which bind to allosteric proteins , and the chemical reactions those proteins catalyse , it follows that the results of metabolism , although fully interpretable by the laws of chemistry , are not dictated by those laws , but by the physiological needs of the organism , and ultimately by natural selection .
28 Our clients understand it ceased trading on December 24 and it follows that the reference NatWest gave was worthless . ’
29 The Government will cause that because it has no mandate so it follows that if the Government has no mandate you must resist its attempts to exercise one . ’
30 It follows that in paired individuals the male 's breeding capacity is limited by that of the female .
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