Example sentences of "[pron] gives to " in BNC.

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1 Yet it is structure which gives to any undertaking its distinctive shape and identity .
2 In his very first book his admonitions about the indiscriminate use of stock , even of fine stock , were news , and good news : Do not spoil the special taste of the gravy obtained in the roasting of beef , veal , mutton or pork by adding to it the classical stock which gives to all meats the same deplorable taste of soup .
3 What I hope to have shown , which is consistent with a certain tentativeness about what has been said , and with incompleteness , is that we do have a grasp of both dependent and independent conditionals , which grasp can be clarified and which gives to us an explicit understanding of the seven causal connections that were set out .
4 This displacement imparts to law a certain universality which gives to it symbolic efficacy in removing , or at least concealing , its arbitrariness .
5 Which gives to us , while we live in Your created world ,
6 The organized community or social group which gives to the individual his unity of self may be called the ‘ generalized other ’ .
7 This is the Court of Chancery : which has its decaying houses and its blighted lands in every shire ; which has its worn-out lunatic in every madhouse , and its dead in every churchyard ; which has its ruined suitor , with his slipshod heels and threadbare dress , borrowing and begging through the round of every man 's acquaintance ; which gives to monied might , the means abundantly of wearying out the right ; which so exhausts finances , patience , courage , hope : so overthrows the brain and breaks the heart ; that there is not an honourable man among its practitioners who would not give — who does not often give — the warning , " Suffer any wrong that can be done you , rather than come here " .
8 For example , the wife and mother has the opportunity to soothe her own unconscious envy of the baby vicariously by the devoted care she gives to him .
9 And we hope that you will listen to the criticisms that each of you gives to each of the other groups , and when Bob Satchwell comes that he will have something very positive to say about relationships with the press .
10 For the sake of convenience I shall apply the term la nouvelle critique to the complex of ideas emerging from the Paris of the 1960s , including many diverse strands : the ‘ classical ’ structuralism of the early Barthes , the poststructuralism of his later work , the deconstructionism of Derrida , and whatever name one gives to the work of Foucault and Lacan , in taxonomic historiography and dissident psychoanalysis respectively .
11 Whatever reading one gives to the three proper names , the inscription suggests that the collection was a gift .
12 Indeed it would be possible to identify some fells from the attention he gives to the geology and his affection for each fold of rock and each rattling , winding ghyll , without seeing the characteristic outline of the peak .
13 It is important to stress that this dispute with Marx does not extend to his analysis of the mode of production or to the significance that he gives to knowledge as a relation of production .
14 The inspector is required to give the employer the same information as he gives to the employed person .
15 He compliments the production operator on the detailed attention he gives to the quality components coming off his line .
16 An individual scientist 's decision will depend on the priority he gives to the various factors .
17 Johnson increases in delight ; how many edges he gives to an observation .
18 Professor Moule may not be right in the interpretation he gives to these four verses .
19 K. Barrett 's book , Luke the Historian in Recent Study is the weight he gives to the Word as the prime agency through which the Spirit extends the good news of Christ .
20 More common is the seller who , having inserted an exclusion clause into his conditions of sale , relies on his buyer not bothering to read ( or not understanding ) the small print ; for example , the exclusion clause may be contained in the small print of a guarantee which he gives to the buyer .
21 Sir John Banham , for instance , welcomed my right hon. Friend 's prudent Budget and the priority that he gives to reducing inflation , while the Institute of Directors said that the Budget was prudent and correct in every way .
22 This is a consequence of the primacy he gives to communications over power .
23 ‘ So the money he gives to Osman must come from somewhere else .
24 ‘ Which he gives to Osman . ’
25 This is a historic town , I I disagree with Mr Jewitt upon the emphasis he gives to that , but I do agree with him that a limit the type , the scale of growth which that solution would imply would be hurtful , would be very , extremely harmful to the town .
26 Now as promised it 's time to zig zag to the onion bag … what is this man talking about … it 's football speak from Cambridge manager John Beck whose team play Swindon tomorrow … it 's the order he gives to his strikers before a game … zig zag … well that means running … weaving with the ball … the onion bag is the goal net of course … so here we go with this week 's football roundup
27 The significance is the boost it gives to the AX 's performance , particularly in the context of the diesel .
28 It is becoming less popular now because of the lack of support it gives to the lower back , although it does give more buoyancy than other types .
29 The village is also known for the care it gives to its gardens and grass verges .
30 With its emphasis on the importance of personal uniqueness , it gives to the individual a value one is increasingly in danger of losing in this computer age .
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