Example sentences of "[being] that " in BNC.

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1 There may be an improvement in the child 's already abundant energy or that nebulous sense of well being that we all know about but find so hard to put into words .
2 As one delegate to the discussion put it ‘ The women still do n't understand what the real world is like when it comes to their commercial value but at least they 've realised for the time being that they have bitten off more than they can chew . ’
3 Whatever else it may betoken , it is clear for the time being that Mr Laws will not be asked to put on his war-paint and go a-hunting for scalps " .
4 The reason being that you had to navigate where you could see .
5 The reason being that having given up ten percent of their blood roughly , er in the blood donation if they then continue to erm smoke afterwards , they they 'll knock another ten percent of what 's left out .
6 Shortage of iron makes people breathless , get tired very easily , the reason being that there is not enough oxygen being carried round the blood .
7 So this drug makes you very dry , also makes you drowsy , the idea being that you 're basically not going to worry about what 's happening to you .
8 And th there 's a lot of , for Sainsburys the , the feeling being that if Sainsburys also agreed to take it , that lots of other , if there are any others , would follow suit cos everybody seems to look at Sainsburys and see what they 're doing .
9 Can you co up again if you can co I 'm going back to The reason being that the approach to the business was one of quality and a large amount of hand-finishing , and , the leathers were aimed mainly at the , saddlery and leather goods trade and also only at the very top end of the shoe trade .
10 It was being that the , the Rolls Royce Saturday , came in to East Kilbride and , and American firms like that were coming along .
11 We will assume for the time being that this has a well-defined minimum .
12 Erm the problem being that if , if erm if it is from another parish erm the priests in that parish can really be very slow in erm supplying you with erm a copy of it .
13 you see , and he was , he , he probably brought me into the world , you see but , er you see , and Mrs erm , you see , she was married to Doctor and he used to come up to see my father and we had a different door then door being that 's got a yale lock on now but he he 'd say , hello Frank , you know always so you got , oh he was so nice and it was such a shame that he died
14 The supposition being that it 's always easier for the offspring just to sit on the nest and wait for the parent .
15 Now then , , being that was working on the other side , took all the trees on the main drive do you see , and he bought them and cleared them .
16 Of course , it was n't a matter being that they were plants only about .
17 Erm being that I , one of the bits which I think catches your eye is this little house here , although there 's lots of them about , because this one tends to be in a slightly darker area , and for some reason that , the light on there is sort of picking that one out rather more than all the others , and I think that 's quite a nice little feature .
18 The reason being that way back in 1990 the Leinster Division won the cup and its return to England was somewhat delayed , in fact , it did n't make it back in time for the 1991 competition when Western were the victors .
19 The second point being that erm if a figure was to be identified for Greater York , we 'd feel that this would er unduly interfere with our duties and responsibilities as a District Council to allocate land in our district , cos in effect what it would do is direct us to making a housing allocation in one particular settlement , Shipton , we feel that 's our responsibility not the County Council .
20 Er and I , as Mr Curtis has suggested , if Mr Shepherd who conducted the greenbelt local plan enquiry decided on massive relaxation or substantial relaxation on the inner boundary , er of the greenbelt , er and the implication being that er some of that land could be made available for housing , then yes , as a matter of principal that would cast doubt on the new settlement er strategy in terms of the in terms of the numbers , conversely , if you look at another option , if you , for example , confirmed the new settlement strategy but thought that the development requirement for Greater York really was er needed to be larger than nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , twelve thousand , thirteen thousand , and I hope not , then the County Council would need to have a look at the issue of one as opposed to two new settlements , and again we will do that , and we will not take any decisions on the basis of having one report , er but not another , and I hope er that that is helpful , I can confirm that er at the end of this month the Greater York authorities will be meeting , erm and er they will be urgently looking towards erm progress erm on this issue .
21 Cos now of course we 're talking about the whole cosmos , the everything that there is , the all , the whole erm and then , you 're right , he does talk about erm erm body at one er extraordinary point he talks about body , the relation of body and soul being that of a er fishing net er floating through the ocean and erm the ocean is soul and this fishing net is er body floating erm through it .
22 Right , at the last Committee , it was suggested that the figures be presented to Committee on a town by town basis , I E not the wider travel to work areas , the reason being that the travel to work areas are , are quite large and sometimes mask differences in rates of unemployment between different settlements .
23 I think it 's very much linked with the safeguard being that we have got the one year cushion of , of carry forwards sums there to meet any immediate problems within the year , and give ourselves breathing space to , to address those in the longer term .
24 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
25 That being that the county council and yourselves consider this strategically .
26 One of the key points of the Children Act being that gone are the days of parents ' rights .
27 Youth provision is , is a county council responsibility not a city council responsibility although for your information Mr , without the er zodiac youth centre grant in the ninety one , ninety two figures er , two hundred and thirty nine thousand one hundred and sixty six pounds were put in by the city council into that s , into that specific area in the Humberstone ward and the amount that was put in there in this financial year was approximately the same , but the reason being that there is no mar more money available is because hundreds of thousand of pounds were cut out of youth and community facilities that should have been provided by this city council by the Tory budget which this council approved last February .
28 the the reasoning being that I 've gone into the aspects of erm income support and that and basically i it 's about seventy pound a week to live on .
29 Er indeed the directive was promulgated as the minister said but I do n't think it was a bolt out of the blue , it was of course something that we around for some considerable time before that and of course that excuse hardly applies to the delay in establishing the European parliamentary constituency committees , er as the minister er will know very well , it was merely a matter of seven weeks , er the excuse being that had they had another seven weeks they could have had the public inquiry stage , the reality of course was that there was plenty of time to do this in good time and in good order and without the confusion that exists now er around the candidatures and the boundaries of the existing European boundaries .
30 The reason being that when tiles are made , they 're made with clay in a big frame and then they 're cut with a thing like piano wire .
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