Example sentences of "[Wh det] have " in BNC.

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1 Your Team has been invaluable in providing psychological as well as practical support for these patients which have been grossly lacking through the conventional channels .
2 There will be no attempt to define exactly what art criticism is , or to set out a theory of criticism , beyond the suggestions of some differences in writings on art which have already been made .
3 Nevertheless , there is one group of surveys of painting which have a special interest : those which form part of handbooks or , more grandly , treatises on how to paint .
4 The sober intentions of his book were very different from the novels , plays and films which have created a mythical figure in modern culture of the artist as isolated and neglected , recognised only after his death , and whom the phrase ‘ genius and madness are near aligned ’ seems to fit .
5 This tenuous fragility contrasts with the three later busts on a stele , which have substantial anatomical forms . ’
6 Museums with exhibitions of art from other countries are especially likely to be respectful in commentaries on works of art which have been borrowed .
7 Newspaper profiles are quite likely to be based on interviews , which have an immediate attraction , though a reader will naturally be wary about how accurately the interview may have been recorded .
8 Thus in London at different times there have been groups which have called themselves the Society of Twelve , the Seven and Five , and One/Four .
9 Articles on exhibitions sometimes glide away into topics which have little to do with the art on display .
10 This account raises two significant issues about description ; one is parallel to comments on photography which have already been made .
11 Heads have been turned , and have begun to swim , amid the flow of invention , delivered in works which have been Englished in rapid succession and which are not always easy to tell apart .
12 Literary careers can be founded on the impersonation and adulation of privileged behaviour ; but the literary works which have been written and inspired by English snobs and sports are by no means all boastful or complicit .
13 Patrician insolence has quite often appeared to express a perception of the activities of the levelling Labour governments which have come and gone since 1945 .
14 The smile may have come as a surprise to connoisseurs of the pictures of him which have been issued to the world .
15 I would like to say a last word about Amis 's voices , and about the long words which have been or might be laid on his confident art — a terminology for which he is unlikely to be grateful .
16 This is reminiscent of the sort of inversion a fault-finding literary criticism can produce — which is not to deny , which is indeed to admit , that the Arab leaders and polemicists of the region have had their faults , including some of those which have been identified over the years by Commentary .
17 But the literal Levi is a writer who has his own way of interesting himself in the contrasts which have been attributed to Babel .
18 There are seventeen drama schools in Britain which constitute the ‘ Conference of Drama Schools ’ and most of these have courses which have been accredited by the National Council for Drama Training .
19 Rather we are looking at those beliefs , supported by significant power bases within each bloc , which have won out in the political process in the past seventy years and still appear to be doing so , in some cases with much decreased vitality .
20 It is almost as if the catholic Irish people become a people of God in Old Testament terms , in a way similar to the Northern Calvinists , a people which have overriding power to set up their domain .
21 It is largely the case that catholic nationalists go to one set of schools which have a visible catholic and nationalist ethos , and protestant loyalists go to another , some of which have a less visible protestant ethos , but all of which have a loyalist ethos as well .
22 It is largely the case that catholic nationalists go to one set of schools which have a visible catholic and nationalist ethos , and protestant loyalists go to another , some of which have a less visible protestant ethos , but all of which have a loyalist ethos as well .
23 It is largely the case that catholic nationalists go to one set of schools which have a visible catholic and nationalist ethos , and protestant loyalists go to another , some of which have a less visible protestant ethos , but all of which have a loyalist ethos as well .
24 Thus , both sides have tended to use social scientific research to make statements in general about catholic schools which have been drawn from other countries and , therefore , beyond the cultural confines within which Irish catholic schools exist .
25 Nevertheless , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I think that this needs saying , quite calmly and objectively , in this commentary , which will not spare me when I have done badly or in the wrong spirit or left half-done , but will not either , in a spirit of false modesty , gloss over those things in my life and work which have been a success , even , mildly , a triumph .
26 I have decided , however , in the interests of posterity , to cut nothing , though I may take the liberty of annotating the text here and there , putting some of the facts straight and referring the reader to related documents , such as interviews you once gave or books and articles on you which have since appeared .
27 Those words of Kafka 's , which have never ceased to haunt me : Where does the strength come from to write. : I have no strength any more ?
28 ‘ Contemporary design ’ , the magazine 's editor regretted , ‘ because it has no roots in the vernacular idiom … will not appear immediately familiar ’ , whilst the ‘ mock-Tudor and the mock-Georgian styles which have been so prevalent — no matter how misguided in themselves — have sprung … from a genuine attempt to preserve a traditional atmosphere ’ .
29 As the only catering industry representative on this working party , I would be interested to hear from any companies which have any experience , or knowledge of any examples , which make them feel that this is an area that needs to be examined quickly and subjected to public debate .
30 Other telecommunications companies which have booked space at HOTECH '91 include : Western Telecom , now part of the Alcatel group ; GPT Sales & Services ; Ascom Telecommunications ; 3C Communications , which is establishing telecom links with an increasing number of other suppliers ' systems ; and Mitel Telecom , which was involved in the refit at The Dorchester , London .
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