Example sentences of "[adv] in " in BNC.

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1 Any-way in September 1990 I decided to further my career in Horticulture and started a college course full time at Houghall College , County Durham , which meant having to live on a Educational-grant My expenses weekly are £29 rent , bus fares to college £25 , HP £10 , electric £5 total £69 weekly this is without food .
2 Cardiff have always attracted players , but what has fuelled the apprehension of the other Merit Table clubs is that they , along with Newport , are now competing eagerly in the transfer market .
3 They offered him hot wine and canella , surrounded him and talked eagerly in a mixture of Russian , French and Yiddish .
4 She glanced at the girl standing eagerly in front of her .
5 He looked at her questioningly and Hari leaned forward eagerly in her chair .
6 Fieldfares , redwing and song thrush sometimes flood the islands in thousands , and flocks are scanned eagerly in the hope of finding one of the rarer Siberian thrushes such as black-throated or White 's .
7 " Its all a little bit like a fairy tale , is n't it ? " she whispered as they filed into the throne room with the other guests , and he nodded eagerly in reply .
8 His back was to her , he was toddling along purposefully in the same direction as her , across that bleak empty landscape .
9 Thus in yaws-endemic areas , where the disease is largely spread non-venereally in childhood , there is little opportunity for syphilis to spread , because of the degree of cross-immunity in the community .
10 The wall clock ticked somnolently in the silence , each movement of the minute hand magnified by the stillness in the office .
11 The two men sat on the high wall of the dyke as the dawn came , looking out across the flat expanse of blackened fields , watching the figures move almost somnolently in the darkness below .
12 A Bristol merchant , of Quaker origin , called William Springett bought Alderly in the early 1740s and determined to turn what was then a small and jumbled Tudor manor into an up-to-date gentleman 's seat .
13 With no daylight at all penetrating to the interior of the foundry , it looked more hellish than ever , its furnaces glowing fiercely in the smoky gloom .
14 On the walls , the cresset torches , untended , spluttered fiercely in their sconces and Corbett realised that the retainers were taking full advantage of a dead king and his lonely , isolated widow .
15 The long hall was caparisoned with cloths of Paris , costly arras , and ablaze with torches burning fiercely in their countless sconces along the walls .
16 A pair of keen black eyes burned fiercely in their sunken sockets , and as she met their sardonic gaze she drew back and would have fled , had not the servant been close behind her .
17 Suddenly , she threw her arms around him and hugged him fiercely in a way she had never done before .
18 Anthea gripped the mangled sheet fiercely in her long , strong fingers .
19 Naturally enough , war raged fiercely in Spain ; in 1704 the English captured Gibraltar and held on to it , initially as a base for their communications in Spain ; a good deal of the naval activity of the war took place around Spanish waters and the English managed to stop the Bourbon forces from setting up any effective siege of Gibraltar .
20 She prodded him fiercely in the buttocks with the tip of her brolly , accusing him of disloyalty .
21 ‘ Oh , you 're such a baby , ’ Caterina tossed fiercely in the bed , ‘ Tummy rumbles !
22 Images of sin , of unwashed bodies locked together in obscene attitudes , apocalyptic denunciations of lust , visions of Else scrubbing herself fiercely in a tin bath , disconnected Bible phrases from his chapel-going youth , coursed through his distracted mind .
23 She dropped her lifted velvet skirts ( she had been warming her bottom in front of the fire burning fiercely in its basket grate ) as the girls appeared .
24 That it was all undignified , that it was really rather unpleasant , that it was somehow dehumanizing for Harold — these considerations went by the board as he finally rolled on top of her , grunting fiercely in a tone no one at Magdalen would have recognized .
25 John of Salisbury [ q.v. ] , returning from Chartres to Paris in 1141 , sought him out in order to facilitate his own preparation for teaching ; he was thenceforward in close touch with Adam until his own departure from Paris in 1146 .
26 Their books are usually set nostalgically in the past — the Thirties and Forties are favourite periods — and often feature the perennial characters of fairy tales and nursery rhymes .
27 This agenda-setting thesis is very plausible and usually treated as an established law of social science in introductory textbooks , though much more sceptically in research reports .
28 The announcement was greeted sceptically in the National Assembly and by the press , which claimed that the surplus was illusory as the government trade figures were distorted by smuggling , variable exchange rates , barter deals and restrictions on imports .
29 Assuming licensees and magistrates act sensibly in seeking and granting approval , I can not see any strong objection to this .
30 The control panel is sited very sensibly in a line-of-sight position , on the upper edge of the body , toward the neck joint .
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