Example sentences of "[modal v] is " in BNC.

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1 Another must is the excursion to Hallstatt and Gosau , two of the most beautiful spots in the Salzkammergut .
2 Another must is the trip to Achensee , Austria 's largest Alpine lake , before journeying to Rattenberg to view some of its world famous crystal .
3 The must is heated in a cauldron and boiled until it is reduced to one third of its volume to make the Arrobo .
4 The Romans soaked the pounded seed in wine and the word mustard is thought to come from the Latin mustum ardens meaning " burning must " — grape must is newly-fermented grape juice .
5 Another must is the booklet that sums up the findings of the World Fertility Survey , World Fertility Survey — Major Findings and Implications , and its companion volume of statistics , Fertility in the Developing World , both obtainable from the WFS at 35-37 Grosvenor Gardens , London SW1W 0BS , UK .
6 The one area where we are not doing as much as we think we should is the Midlands ; that is why we are opening there . ’
7 Then , given that the only way of being sure that your ad is communicating what your strategy says it should is to show the ad to people and ask what it tells them , it follows that the best way to write down the strategy is , as far as possible , in the language that consumers will use .
8 Perhaps I could , but whether I should is a different point .
9 Perhaps I could , but whether I should is a different point .
10 I know it is unlikely that I will see it , but just the thought that I might is enough .
11 Another reason why coaching does not occur as often as it might is due to the time pressures which every manager faces .
12 so if , if they , if sh- Jane come over she , we 'll is that it ?
13 Oh you just pick it and it 'll Is that Channel Four ?
14 Yeah we could is n't it ?
15 So , I mean , what 's the point of you know making it look really , really nice and you know , all you could is just slap a coat of paint over it !
16 all I could is , I 'll get Tracy summat to wear and you got time , and she picks like a blouse , she 'd pay a hundred pound for one .
17 Whate'er is best administer 'd is best .
18 The argument that he would is that the behaviour was tantamount to a statement ‘ I believe you are another homosexual , ’ which the average heterosexual would surely regard as insulting .
19 The main questions you ask , the more he 'll believe , he do n't ask , it 's , it 's , it 's all about , this is what I 'm saying about erm reacting , eh when basically what you would is you 'd make a statement , tell him something and then ask him a question , which is what you did anyway , but I do n't know if you 're always aware of what you 're doing , you 're doing , you do it naturally , selling is about making statements and then asking questions , you do it when you telephone customers all the time
20 I will is it agreed we just put the names on ?
21 ‘ I may is well place before the dog over there the message of God as before those hungry millions who have no lustre in their eyes and whose only God is their bread . ’
22 One reason to think it may is that the new agreements have turned national tariff-cutting programmes into international commitments .
23 Er the point I would like to make if I may is with er regard to the question of a a positive statement er that car dependency should be reduced and er more emphasis given to the availability and use of bus transport erm as well as t er rail transport .
24 Can I say first of all that er I support the general approach which has been adopted by Yorkshire County Council and the the other local authorities in the Greater York area , on the way in which they 've formulated their proposals for the York greenbelt after a fairly long erm and exhausting process , the question to which I want to address my comments first of all is whether the new settlement is an appropriate and justified planning response , and what I would like to do if I may is look at some of the reasons that have been raised erm in objection to the new settlement as a strategy , erm these issues have been raised by Hambledon District , York City Council , the C P R E , Montague Evans , in their written submissions to the examination of the .
25 Ignoring the gap between is and ought is committing very much what we have seen Moore and other intuitionists describing as the naturalistic fallacy .
26 As seen above with need and dare , therefore , it is only when ought is not asserted but conceived as a mere possibility that it can cease to constitute a before-position with respect to the event expressed by the infinitive and be followed by the bare infinitive .
27 Offering the children a reward to achieve a standard they may feel they never can is often counter-productive .
28 Nevertheless , what may encourage them to hold on as long as they can is the apparent split among the ‘ eight elders ’ over the whole question of reform and opposing Leftism .
29 Ever since we entered the training video market , competitors have claimed the only way we can offer training videos for less than they can is because we do not bear the full cost of production , by sourcing products from broadcast programmes .
30 To suppose that it can is an assumption long ago undermined by Hume , that one can infer from ‘ is ’ to ‘ ought ’ from purely descriptive premisses to a prescriptive conclusion .
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