Example sentences of "[prep] that " in BNC.

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1 It was after I thought about that that I began moving my things to the cave .
2 When you say that , there 's immediately a flood of records that I think about that are all so unbelievably unrelated to one another … ’
3 ‘ It was at that place I told you about that I knew him , ’ he said to Lili .
4 Think about that the next time you hear about a Palestinian child murdered by the Israeli army ( who are Irgun in new uniforms ) , for throwing stones .
5 I read in that book in the library I told you about that the people who have it , the AIDS sufferers , they wake up in the morning soaking .
6 It helped that they believed in his faked war record and legends such as that the religious leader Gregorio Aglipay inserted a slither of wood into Marcos 's back before the Bataan campaign in 1942 , allegedly giving him magic powers .
7 ‘ If a dolphin can out-manoeuvre or outswim a shark it will do so … . if the dolphins can not take evasive action for some good reason , such as that a birth is about to take place , they will attack a shark .
8 Some of their arguments , such as that their professional standards were higher than could be maintained by law — as envisaged in the legislation — had a ring of truth to them .
9 Most studies consider only social behaviour in the herd , or readily observed facts , such as that the horse is easily frightened , or that it will work better if it is rewarded rather than punished .
10 If all this had to be summed up in one sentence I suppose it would have to be that Wittgenstein 's treatment of the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem is an extended illustration of a point in philosophical logic : namely , that the meaningfulness of some of the things we say is dependent on contingent facts of nature — such as that the Earth revolves on its axis , and that we moan with pain and react as we do to others who moan .
11 Apart from saying he had given up singing and trumpet-playing , he invented things , such as that his school had suggested he go in for the Young Musician of the Year contest .
12 We require two types of jump instruction ; one ( the unconditional jump ) which always changes the program counter , and one ( the conditional jump ) which changes the program counter only if a certain condition is true ( such as that the accumulator contains a non-negative value ) ; if the condition is false , the next instruction to be executed is the one stored immediately after the jump instruction .
13 So what I was wondering was er the scheme is in it 's infancy this and I 'm all in the favour of the decentralising in principle , but I think we ought to perhaps look at it a bit closer , and I would suggest that we have an up-to-date report at the next meeting of this committee so we can compare it over a longer term so , as that we might then reflect on a if we 're doing the right thing or not .
14 About six months ago , our deputy general secretary wrote to Monseigneur , the general secretary of the bishops conference , and er told him that we hoped progress was being made , referred in particular to the degree of consensus that had been a arrived at in the baptism eucharist and ministry document and er also to the difference that had been made by the coming into being of ACTS and its commission on unity faith and order and we had a reply to that er a letter from Monseigneur assuring as that the hierarchy were taking this seriously , that they were discussing it er amongst themselves in Scotland and were also in discussion with Rome on the subject as well .
15 Supervision is by a social worker , who can make certain requirements such as that the supervised person resides in a specified place or participates in specified activities .
16 In the planning sphere it has been used to invalidate conditions attached to planning permission such as that the developer should construct an ancillary road over the frontage of the site at his own expense to which rights of passage should be given to others , and that a property developer should allow those on a council housing list to occupy the houses with security of tenure for 10 years.u The test has also been adopted in the context of industrial relations , though in this instance the decision attacked was upheld .
17 Other possible inferences , such as that the teacher was angry , would remain appropriate but would not be essential for interpretation .
18 These are the things that make us afraid , and we build ourselves secure places so as that we ca n't or do n't have any need to be afraid .
19 I think it still is the way forward and I do n't think it was so much that things went wrong as that they did n't go as well as we had hoped for the women elections to the shadow cabinet .
20 I 'm not saying we all had it together but you say you can er say that about four of 'em would then as that as that they got rid of it the other the others 'd get it you know eventually and th we 'd all have it in the end .
21 I 'm not saying we all had it together but you say you can er say that about four of 'em would then as that as that they got rid of it the other the others 'd get it you know eventually and th we 'd all have it in the end .
22 So you actually write down questions so much going on you ca n't be expected to remember everything and if you 've got just you know sort of questions written down the page like what is your name , it 's simple as that it gets you to do , what ?
23 No I was n't so much disappointed as that I was disappointed that there was only five would be sponsors and that it was we had to give out
24 So as that we could have the rolling programme .
25 Now if we recognize it as that we immediately see that the method is , well why the method works in neural network terms .
26 But we can not automatically treat the separate grammatical units of other languages as separate grammatical units of English ; if we did , we would not be able to study English morphology without first studying the morphology of five or six other languages , and we would be forced into ridiculous analyses such as that the English word ‘ parallelepiped ’ was composed of four or five grammatical units ( which is the case in Ancient Greek ) .
27 So as that we 'll hear the telephone all over the house .
28 He does n't see us as a part of a crowd , he does n't see us as a number on a computer , he does n't see us as numbers on a bank account , or in some other organizational er er er computer set up or whatever it is , he does n't just see us as that he sees us as individuals .
29 we we should have a capital punishment actually as that that would erm
30 I only see it as that I do n't understand her bit , I think she 's just out to take the piss .
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