Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 At point B workers have been pushed off their labour supply function but employers remain on their labour demand function , albeit at a different point .
2 The answers have still to be provided , but six months on Mota and her coach/boyfriend Joś Pedrosa sit happily in their holiday home just outside Oporto and chuckle at the thought that her racing career is in crisis .
3 No do n't play trampolines sit down please now !
4 Kitchen Make Design Price Shop Donor Colour
5 If you are going to eat in the kitchen make sure overall lights arc on a dimmer switch and that there is enough light over the table — use a rise-and-fall light fixture for example — which can , of course , be substituted for or combined with candlelight at night .
6 Corporate finance that looked right under the old rules can look drastically wrong if the rules change
7 Financial decisions — how much to borrow , how much to lend , at what price — made under one set of rules and incentives go wrong when the rules change .
8 World Cup rules change
9 ‘ The moment database vendors come out with versions that do it automatically , the rules change , ’ it says .
10 Rules change on pets likely
11 New EEC rules change light dues
12 Some of the rules change at this stage .
13 Rules change on Monday for disabled drivers using orange badge parking discs .
14 Paragraph three point seven describe in some detail with a figure of five hundred and fifty thousand pounds will become available in nine nineteen ninety three ninety four , when the rules change on the financing of structural maintenance on Principal Road , this sum would be enough to cover the two hundred and thirty thousand pound short that we mentioned previously has to cover the loan charges to sustain the same level of capital programme on schemes not aided by transport supplementary branch in nineteen ninety three four , as is currently being spent in this year .
15 Though clothing and equipment may be more streamlined , courage , nerve , fitness , skill , determination and a touch of good or bad luck remain unchanged , as essential ingredients of great sporting spectacles .
16 Although the western consensus based on the traditional liberal interpretation has now broken down , many of the most distinguished scholars in the field remain firmly committed to it and it continues to inform conventional wisdom among non-specialists in the West .
17 Certain specialists such as female dieticians and nutritional experts may be employed in the health sector but in general positions in the contract catering field remain exclusively male .
18 Waiting list initiatives have had exactly the same effect — because money was diverted to solve a politically sensitive problem , health care rationing priorities have been distorted so that in some cases cash rather than clinical need dictates who gets treated .
19 Another method of subordination is a prohibition on repayment of the debt whilst other creditors remain unpaid .
20 Suggestions that Hickman experimented with nitrous oxide remain unsubstantiated .
21 While the rich landscapes by Yuri Yegorov , from the recently re-named Volgograd , and the huge figurative diptych by Lewishamborn Terry Setch make an interestingly contrasted pair .
22 It was easy to convince him of his worthlessness-to make him believe he was capable of such an act .
23 Conversely , some depressive states make colours seem dulled and flat .
24 Snyder ( 1982 , Appendix B ) lists 20 map projections used by the US Geological Survey , and individual states make use of their own projections and grids .
25 Thus , the views of the inspectorate are under-represented , especially when one considers that , except for relatively informal verbal comments through the Senior English Inspector , the General Inspectors for each school make no input at all , while all five DCSLs make lengthy written recommendations which are reinforced by the chairmanship of the ACL:E&SS .
26 He argued , convincingly , that noun phrases taken as a whole may quite often have a different temporal assignment from that of the verb which they accompany , as in : ( 37 ) I used to be a good friend of the police chief The underlined phrase may be understood as past relative to the time of utterance ( and hence in agreement with the time indicated by the verb ) or as present ; the two different time-values correspond to the two different continuations in : ( 38 ) … before he joined the force … until he was shot for corruption The first continuation would be compatible with an expansion of the subject phrase to the man who is the police chief , while the second would support the man who was the police chief .
27 Both Bell and Howell and Rank-Aldis make versions of this machine : bell and Howell 's is the Language Master , Rank-Aldis calls theirs a Card Reader , but they perform the same function .
28 Although all the activities lack security , they vary in the extent of their irregularity and in the nature of the work involved .
29 Members of MoneySavers gain the privileges of * Priority Booking — up to two weeks in advance of public booking * The Playhouse " What 's On " brochure sent direct to you in advance of public distribution * Free membership of The Stage Door Club and most important of all * Two seats for the price of one on most Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Main House and for many first nights in the Studio Theatre .
30 Let's have a defence review so both the military and the industries are prepared for change when it comes . ’
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