Example sentences of "we assume that the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You get to tell the program which card you 're using once the full installation is done and the program has been booted — we assume that the final documentation will handle this in the customary WordPerfect manner , and be very complete on the subject .
2 If we assume that the total cost is constant , then curve will be a rectangular hyperbola .
3 Here we assume that the right-hand bit position represents 2 or one , so that numeric values lie in the range zero to 2 n -1 , where n is the word length .
4 In order to see what such a constraint might mean , we assume that the lump-sum transfers have to be employed in fixed proportions ( ) , and that there is no capital tax .
5 This is calculated by locating a base line across the minima on either side of the absorption band and the vertical height to the top of the band from the base line is converted into a composition using the equation where P cis is the fraction of cis configuration , A cis is the absorbance at 13.6 µm , A trans the absorbance at 10.4 µm , and if we assume that the 1,2 content is negligible .
6 If we assume that the monetary authorities set the size of the nominal money supply and that for the moment the price level is fixed at , then the supply of real cash balances can also be illustrated in the figure .
7 If the muscularis propria escapes extensive damage , we assume that the impaired bowel propulsion is allowed to recover to some extent .
8 As , ( 6.8 ) becomes since we assume that the second term on the right-hand side of ( 6.8 ) vanishes at , which will occur if is finite ( i.e. , we rule out speculative bubbles ) .
9 We assume that the orbital plane has so that the metric eqn ( 4.10 ) becomes where , M is the Sun 's mass , and r is the distance of Mercury from the Sun .
10 Following the derivation in Lancaster ( 1985a ) , we assume that the observed hazard function is and not ( as given by ( 8 ) and ( 9 ) ) , where The unobservable random error is assumed to be a positive random variable with unit mean , variance and density .
11 If we assume that the relative risk is well approximated by the odds ratio , the percentage of cases that could be attributable to this genotype was 8% in the whole population and 35% in the low-risk group .
12 At present , the genomic structure of the human N-Oct 3 gene is not known but given the short evolutionary distance between mouse and human , we assume that the human N-Oct 3 gene does not have introns as well .
13 The probability of survival from birth to age 1 is J , and from age 1 to age 2 is A. For simplicity , we assume that the expected fertility is the same at both ages ( ) .
14 To derive this relationship , we assume that the nominal money supply , the level of government expenditure and tax rates all remain unchanged and we examine the effect on real income of a change in the price level .
15 Either we assume that the whole universe is at the present moment in a very improbable state .
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