Example sentences of "wondered if [pron] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The darkness was so total that she wondered if they would even be able to proceed without the aid of a torch .
2 I looked across and gave them a wave and wondered if they would still be alive next time I visited Breville .
3 There was also another young man with theatrical ambitions who wondered if they would ever he satisfied , even though he had produced The Wit To Woo .
4 He wondered if they 'd ever find husbands or boyfriends who would take them on such a holiday as this and rather doubted it .
5 Ken Clarke , having listened to one of our more heated exchanges , wondered if we would ever speak to each other again .
6 The house seemed quite grand but we only stayed one night as the following afternoon we entrained for Preston , a journey that took so long , I wondered if we would ever arrive .
7 He wondered if he would ever be able to do such a thing himself .
8 Roe admits that in his quieter moments he sometimes wondered if he would ever win a second tournament and those doubts were intensified earlier this season when he saw both the Jersey Open and the Murphy 's English Open wrested from his grasp .
9 And he wondered if he would ever discover them .
10 So Creggan became interested in the Sweeper , and wondered if he would ever come up to his cage and say something , in the way Men did .
11 She wondered if he would now ?
12 I wondered if she might ever get frostbite ; I was sure I could see little crystals of ice glinting on her faint moustache .
13 Now those roses reminded her of Gerry , who had pasted them there , and she wondered if she would ever find the courage to scrape them off .
14 He wondered if she would ever regret it , and thought not .
15 She wondered if she would ever free herself from the memory .
16 He wondered if she would indeed try to seduce him .
17 But at least he is here , she thought , and wondered if she would really have tried to get into the Workshops by herself if she had had to .
18 For a moment I wondered if she 'd fully come round from the carbon monoxide .
19 Dot wished she knew what it felt like to be brave , and wondered if she 'd ever get the chance to find out .
20 Perhaps she wondered if she 'd ever get out . ’
21 A distant part of her mind wondered if she 'd ever be able to look at this man and not want him , but in truth she already knew the answer .
22 Ellen wondered if she should perhaps look for a replacement , but put it off .
23 I wondered if I would ever be able to peep inside one .
24 I thought of Fringe and the Downs and wondered if I would ever ride in a race , and I thought of Ronnie Curzon and publishers and American rights and of Erica Upton 's reviews and it all seemed as distant as Ursa Major but not one whit as essential to my continued existence .
25 I wondered if I would ever see them again and silently said goodbye .
26 For example , although we do not have in English the grammaticalization of the levels of respect that exist in Javanese , we do have means of expressing degrees of respect , largely by choices in the use of expressions : thus ( 31 ) would generally be a more polite request than ( 30 ) : ( 30 ) I want to see you for a moment ( 31 ) I wondered if I could possibly see you for a moment So by taking at first just the grammaticalized or encoded features of context in the world 's languages , we would have both something like a " discovery procedure " for relevant functions of language , and a constraint on the relatively vacuous theorizing that often attends speculation about the " functions of speech " .
27 It was growing dark as I walked down the pier alone , his jacket draped over my shoulders , and I wondered if I should really look for Wilde at all .
28 I wondered if I should ever see them again .
29 It was much too big and I wondered if I should always have to wear these clothes .
30 During the interminable journey Edward turned what he knew of the affair over and over in his mind , and wondered if it could possibly , really , happen .
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