Example sentences of "degree of [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the countryside the timing of feasts , festivals , fairs and wakes was determined largely by the farming calendar and there was a degree of integration between the rhythms of work and those of leisure , leading Thompson to suggest some degree of anachronism in the use by historians of the word " leisure " .
2 The inevitably open texture of such a document leaves a great degree of discretion in the hands of the judiciary .
3 This has had a reciprocal impact on RX 's internal functioning ; reducing what were previously sharp breaks in the RX value chain has consolidated the iden-tification of subsequent workgroups as ‘ customers ’ with a degree of choice within the extended RX production network .
4 The key principle underlying the tariff is that the severity of a sentence should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence and the degree of culpability on the part of the offender ( or the offender 's ‘ just deserts ’ ) .
5 An outright refusal to give the victim of a damaging comment a reasonable opportunity to reply — a rejection of a polite letter to the editor , for example — may similarly betray a degree of malice behind the original comment .
6 The International Institute for Educational Planning held an important and , I understand , effective regional seminar on education evaluation in Dar es Salaam in 1975 which has led on to a certain degree of follow-up in a number of countries .
7 Er we do hold the view that the sixty hectares is sufficient on the on the basis that there is a degree of flexibility within the structure plan provision , er and that er flexibility should allow us erm in special circumstances for example to compensate for the loss of existing major employment erm sites , erm to make additional provision over and above that .
8 It would be unreasonable to expect easy co-operative motion along the entire polymer chain , but as there is normally some degree of flexibility in the chain , local segmental motion can take place more readily .
9 They represent a serious degree of inequality in the earned income of men and women and , while the 1984 figures show a marked improvement over the figures for 1970 , there still remains a serious gap in the earnings of men and women .
10 This project will distinguish the degree of inequality in the experience of unemployment in six local labour markets in Britain .
11 It was his belief that too great a degree of inequality within a society would prevent a common will or common interest from developing , and that is surely correct .
12 Whereas if you go for a degree of inequality within the countryside , A you will have , you might get the same , same tax yield because you , you have a higher rate of tax on the rich and their revenue 's going up so that tax revenue will increase
13 The degree of modification of the bones in both cases can be described as minimal , in common with other barn owl pellet accumulations , and there were no modifications from weathering .
14 In his survey of the condition of the labouring poor in 1797 , Eden contrasted the persistent degree of self-sufficiency in the north with an almost total market dependence on the part of southern labourers .
15 But even if this is your situation it is important to establish some degree of self-sufficiency from the outset to help you become stronger and happier eventually .
16 The simple comparison of mean pulse rate data from before sedation and during the procedure showed both groups experienced a similar degree of tachycardia during the procedure ( Table III ) .
17 A further influence on the design of a product and its related production processes is the degree of maturity of the technology involved .
18 A further influence on the design of a product and its related production processes is the degree of maturity of the technology involved .
19 This created an unprecedented degree of unity across the sectarian divide .
20 Similarly radicals overstate the degree of unanimity among the medical profession , which is in fact riven with dissension and competing ideologies .
21 Newman and Newsholme displayed a high degree of self-consciousness about the place of sex within social relations , which was absent from the work of Kay and Chadwick .
22 The degree of self-consciousness among the weavers is notable .
23 Various payment methods are used in international trade , the variations usually depending upon the degree of trust between the exporter and importer ( and their respective bargaining strengths ) .
24 This stage is marked by the sharing of honest communications and the development of a degree of trust among the members .
25 The propensity for errors to occur must be balanced against the necessity for both management and surveying staff to have a reasonable degree of trust in the analysed cost figures produced .
26 Other factors which influence the perception of risk include the degree of trust in the organisation ; familiarity and understanding of the technology ; the extent of involvement in the decision making process ; whether it is believed that more could be done to reduce risk ; comparisons with accepted risks ; and — last but not least — the fairness in the distribution of the risks and benefits .
27 A group has some central purpose , temporary or permanent , and a degree of self-awareness as a group .
28 Even the critic Arthur Jerome Eddy , who was the author of the first English book on Cubism and a cautious supporter of the movement , was able to write : ‘ In short Picasso and a few followers have reached a degree of abstraction in the suppression of the real and the particular that their paintings represent the same degree of emotion as the demonstration of a difficult geometrical proposition . ’
29 Its experience demonstrated the difficulties of establishing an economic union even in such a compact and relatively homogeneous area as the Low Countries , where there was also a large degree of consensus on the project .
30 If we take the research on goals plus the experience of practitioners in the selection business we will find a high degree of consensus about the more frequently cited goals that individuals attempt to satisfy at work .
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