Example sentences of "whole [noun sg] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And finally , there 's no one with a more impressive grasp of the whole field of geophysics on Earth — or the Moon for that matter ( as his recent article ‘ The Moon 's deceptive tranquility ’ in New Scientist , vol 96 , p 174 , testifies ) .
2 It would seem to be inappropriate for the criminal law to remove a whole category of persons from its protection on the basis of words spoken at a ceremony of marriage which have no binding force .
3 The UK would thus eliminate a whole category of weapons in its nuclear arsenal .
4 Thus many third and fourth generation computers provide a range of facilities ( such as several data-types ) in an attempt to cover the whole spectrum of applications in one design .
5 Erm er it 's basically that there is no stated requirement at present from any of the four nations , for this aircraft to operate on ships er back in the early days of the programme when the the French were involved er we looked at the possibility of designing an aircraft er to provide the whole spectrum of capabilities from air defence er ground attack and also maritime operations off ships and er we we certainly experienced some difficulties in reconciling all those things in one design , which was adequately capable in each of the areas .
6 The devastation and restructuring of European society gave credence to a whole variety of forebodings about the collapse of European civilization .
7 The re-emergence of feminism , which began as a flash of vision , and continued with an examination of the evils and gross distortions of patriarchy , and led to a whole variety of campaigns on behalf of women , now needs to concentrate on the differences between us as women which have divided us under patriarchy and which can not be allowed to divide us as feminists .
8 Erm y'know I mean because people have a whole variety of reactions to these things which you may want to investigate more specifically .
9 Sometimes people have um a whole variety of symptoms in later life and perhaps as a consequence of some sort of therapy , some sort of consciousness raising exercise , something like that erm they are not necessarily aware at the start that they 've been abused but sometimes they feel y'know a very compelling sense of memories flooding back .
10 They will be affected for the rest of their lives by the kind of diet which is condemned by nutritionists all over the world as likely to lead to a whole variety of illnesses in later life .
11 This is likely to be useful if your scanner is capable of handling more than one sheet at a time , since you can rad a whole batch of pages at a go .
12 To impute that Dr Runcie has been an unsuccessful archbishop by quoting falling numbers in that part of the Anglican Communion which is the Church of England is to ignore a whole complex of reasons for a reduction in church-going , including , no doubt , the encouragement of a highly competitive and success-orientated society .
13 Within the nuclear family , an Oedipal situation between one child and its parent may disrupt the whole complex of relationships within the family .
14 The whole complex of events in the Persian wars from the fall of Sardis to the retreat of Xerxes was seen as a unity and formed what Robert Drews has called ‘ one Great Event of awesome proportions ’ .
15 Having freed ourselves of the shackles of the classical conception of the company and its assertion that it is only the interest of the shareholders as property owners that the law should seek to protect , it becomes evident that a whole web of relationships of interdependence exist around and within the company .
16 ‘ She 's a fanatic and she 'll probably bring Dad and a whole coachload of relatives to Liverpool , too . ’
17 The fact that in the event the volume of training proved insufficient , relates ( as I shall argue later ) to the whole issue of priorities in teacher education and to the relationship between expectations in curriculum reform and means available .
18 Now , I do understand that the C E C has already set up a working party to look into this whole issue of elections to the C E C , and no doubt , that will also include a review of the byelaws .
19 In other words , people hold a whole portfolio of assets of varying degrees of liquidity — from cash to central heating .
20 This is an important point which is crucial to the whole question of attitudes to , and satisfaction with , housework :
21 The new world was one in which there was an increased emphasis on the social obligations of the wealthy , on the whole question of relations between management and labour , and on the legitimate degree of social and political power that could be exercised by wealthy elites .
22 In a similar vein there has recently been a whole range of studies of pre-industrial states by anthropologists , largely in terns of class analysis .
23 He read the whole range of papers on most days , and was appalled by their cynical and gleeful exploitation of Callaghan 's faltering stand against what was labelled ‘ mindless militancy ’ at Labour 's grass roots .
24 But in that case the very idea of the postman 's work occurring in isolation is incoherent since , as a matter of logic , it can not be separated off from a whole range of activities beyond itself .
25 The Wye is used for a whole range of activities including people who just want to walk the banks or go for picnics .
26 There are companies producing a whole range of discs of both music and special effects for use in AV productions .
27 Botany Bay — near Margate , not Sydney — is the location for Sunley Estates ' Northdown Park development , which offers a whole range of houses for first time buyers .
28 There were a range of meetings , some private meetings with district councils when they 've given the opportunity to discuss issues erm themselves , and quite clearly our members did in fact look at a whole range of projections before coming to a final view .
29 It was the biggest exercise of its kind mounted by Courtaulds , with questionnaires so far going to 15,000 employees across the whole range of operations in the UK , continental Europe , United States , Latin America , the Far East and Australasia .
30 There is clearly an opportunity for private entrepreneurial initiatives to provide a whole range of services for younger mentally disordered people , such as home care , day care and work projects .
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