Example sentences of "began [to-vb] and [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her grip began to slacken and he kicked a little harder , perhaps sensing a reprieve , and he managed to turn his head around so that he could look at her .
2 Her foot began to tingle and she shifted her position .
3 Then the Annamite woman began to sob and he relented at last and raised himself from her ; still moaning quietly to herself she scrambled from the cot onto the dirt floor , gathered her scraps of clothing together and fled past the American woman into the rain .
4 She tried sitting with her thighs apart in an effort to provide more of a lap , but was not surprised when Harry 's face began to pucker and he started to cry .
5 Before I had been there a month my eyes began to suffer and I had to start wearing glasses for close work .
6 By about 1000 BC much smaller cattle began to appear and they came to be called the Celtic oxen , their different skull shape giving rise to the term Bos brachyceros or Bos longifrons , though they were not in fact of a separate species but members of the Bos taurus species like other longhorns and shorthorns in temperate regions .
7 She began to shiver and she felt her heart hammering in anger .
8 It began to pour and I took shelter in a basement café .
9 Then her eyes slowly began to focus and she realised that they had n't just been tossed on to the bed .
10 We 'd hardly gone half way when it began to rain and we had to run the rest of the way to queue under shelter .
11 Her shoulders dropped as the tensions began to ease and she raised her face to the condensed water on the ceiling , trying to relinquish control .
12 As she opened the front door the phone began to ring and she rushed to answer it .
13 George 's wits began to return and he realised that he would have soon passed from sleep to death , if Elizabeth had not found him .
14 The door began to close and I put out a hand to stop it .
15 Fifteen miles south of Garberville my eyes began to close and I pulled over and slept for half an hour .
16 The pain receded in the warmth of his caresses , and then he began to move and she found herself given over wholly to sensation .
17 Then the wind began to blow and he began to feel cold and afraid .
18 The women began to congregate and we rose to greet each other , even though we 'd met at breakfast less than an hour ago .
19 A thick , choking smoke arose but the rug began to burn and she dropped it with a cry .
20 Then his leg began to hurt and we had to stop to rearrange the straw and blanket .
21 Her legs began to hurt and she considered from time to time the possibility of varicose veins .
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