Example sentences of "recently [been] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Former mayor Marion Barry , who had recently been convicted of cocaine possession [ see pp. 37647 ; 37769 ] , failed in his attempt to secure election to the city council , winning only 17 per cent of the vote .
2 Some stories saying that Gravier has recently been seen in Miami and Argentina are advanced to support this theory . )
3 The brothers told me that they owned a remote and beautiful beach which had recently been colonised by hippies living in crevices among the rocks .
4 The Independent of March 5 reported that three more opposition groups had recently been formed in Mongolia : the New Progressive Association ( whose members were believed to include members of the armed forces ) , the Social Democratic Party and the Mongolian Students Association .
5 What should make the situation even more galling for you , is the fact that a great deal of Scottish money has recently been invested in Scotland 's salmon streams in buying-off river nets and setting up fish hatcheries .
6 Rev J Powrie , 22 years Minister of Chalmers — Ardler Parish Church , Church of Scotland , has recently been appointed as member of ACET 's Advisory Council .
7 Vast areas of forests , especially at altitudes above about 600 m , have recently been damaged in Europe with a significant proportion having been severely damaged or even killed .
8 Chromite and olivine sands , with other heavy minerals , have recently been discovered during MRP investigations off the south-west coast of Rhum ( MRP 106 ) .
9 Remembering how responsive Faye 's blood glucose level was to stress , she was about to monitor its level , but , as she got out the kit , Tom arrived , his tall figure catapulting into the room and only a slight untidiness to his dark hair betraying the fact that he had so recently been locked in Marise 's arms in the garden .
10 News has recently been leaked of Britain 's biggest ever arms deal — possibly the biggest export deal of any kind the country has ever had .
11 Open Access , previously a massive single integrated package has recently been stripped into modules along the same lines .
12 The content varied according to the imagined circumstances but it invariably contained the information that he was a magistrate , an exponent of the martial arts , or someone who had recently been diagnosed as HIV positive and would have no hesitation in biting if attacked .
13 The Times of Aug. 20 reported that a battery of 10 Scud-B ballistic missiles , possibly targeted at Riyadh ( the Saudi capital ) , had recently been moved into Kuwait .
14 It has only recently been recognised by MAFF experts , and media coverage has been misleading .
15 There are great difficulties about this notion , however crudely one expresses it , and however firm the intuition that it is true , and they come from well-known considerations to do with unconscious and sub-conscious aspects of the mind , as well as from the more rococo possibilities of more than one conscious individual within a single body , which has recently been connected with research on the status and relationship of the two hemispheres of the brain ( cf.
16 Britain 's most famous ice-skaters are relaunching their Olympic careers at an ice rink that has only recently been saved from closure .
17 In 764 Heahberht , who had witnessed Sigered 's grant of land to Rochester in 762 , appears as king of Kent in the company of Offa and members of the Mercian nobility in Canterbury when Offa granted land to the bishop of Rochester in Kent in his own name ( CS 195 : S 105 ) , the first occasion on which a Mercian king is known to have done so , and the same land which had only recently been granted to Rochester by Sigered and Eanmund .
18 These have recently been redesigned in accordance with ESRC guidelines .
19 ‘ Because the details have only recently been finalised with Paul Lexington . ’
20 Aluminium had recently been prepared in bulk by the eminent Parisian Professor Henri Ste-Claire Deville , who became famous as both a teacher and researcher .
21 The first multi-layer test ( MLT ) ever performed by BPX Colombia has recently been conducted at Buenos Aires-1 , the long term test production well at Cusiana .
22 It has recently been licensed for resale by Dublin-based Glockenspiel as part of its C++ Application Framework for Motif under the name CommonHelp .
23 This opinion has recently been supported by results of NMR refinements taking specifically into account data on backbone dihedral angles ( 29 ) .
24 Invasive recordings have recently been done in humans .
25 During this session teachers noticed how quickly most of the pupils related the information in the tape/slide sequence and in books from the library to modern fictional recreations — not just to films such as Hope and Glory but also to the series Dad 's Army which had recently been repeated on television .
26 Some 60 letters written by Sir William Hillary to the Institution between 1824 and 1845 and now in the RNLI 's archives have recently been treated for preservation and placed in a presentation box — the cost being met from money raised by the Lifeboat Enthusiasts Society .
27 An example of such a conversion , in which the former windmill is only partly recognisable , has recently been completed at Ramsey , Cambridgeshire ( Fig 54 ) .
28 Mrs T had recently been readmitted to hospital following a psychotic episode ; Mr T ( retired ) was under a lot of pressure and , following an incident when he slapped his daughter , S , her name was placed on the At Risk Register .
29 Dr Jenkins , from Leicester University , has been working on two compounds found in English yew and has recently been joined by Dr Nick Lawrence of Manchester University .
30 TextPac , the software that controls this dedicated OCR device , has recently been joined by PublishPac .
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