Example sentences of "perhaps you [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps you ought to tell her that John Patten is no longer with the environmental health .
2 Perhaps you ought to introduce her to my son .
3 ‘ If your mother can spare you , boy , perhaps you 'll visit us ? ’
4 ‘ Now you think of someone you could marry , miss , ’ said Liddy , ‘ then read aloud the words on that page , and if the Bible moves , perhaps you 'll marry him . ’
5 Perhaps you 'll accompany me as far as the Rope Walk ? ’
6 So er if you 're thinking of becoming a super model if there is anybody out there who 's thinking of becoming a super model perhaps you 'll give me a ring and er and I can break the bad news to you personally .
7 Perhaps you 'll tell me where you 've been ? ’
8 When she had gone , Aunt Lilian said , ‘ Perhaps you 'll tell me what this is about ? ’
9 ‘ And perhaps you 'll tell me how much I owe for my board and lodging , ’ she added .
10 And anyway , Nigel , perhaps you 'll tell us how the Hell we can do anything effectively for Poland .
11 Then , with distant civility , ‘ Perhaps you 'll allow me to see you safely to your hotel ? ’
12 So perhaps you 'll take it from me
13 Well , as a chemist perhaps you 'll forgive me for dwelling largely on what we as chemists do , but of course it 's not only the chemists in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences who do things for schools — it 's right across the area — but each year , for example , we have a week set aside for sixth form visits , in which parties of sixth formers come to the School and we 're about to talk to them about university entrance , about what goes on in universities , but , most importantly , to show them some of the apparatus which they do n't have at school but which they 've probably heard about .
14 Perhaps you 'll prove it to this witless fellow who 's been so slow to show his appreciation of your willingness to step into the breach caused by Stella 's illness . ’
15 The best thing will be for me to phone my aunt and then perhaps you 'll let me go and have something to eat .
16 If they 're no longer staying here , perhaps you 'll let me know where I can find them … ’
17 ‘ And tomorrow perhaps you 'll let me have a note of your expenses to date and I 'll let you have some money .
18 Perhaps you 'll let me cook dinner in return for your hospitality . ’
19 If there 's anything you feel that you should have mentioned , and did n't , perhaps you 'll let us know tomorrow .
20 Well , perhaps you 'll find she has n't — it 's not much of an alibi , is it ? ’
21 ‘ Then perhaps you 'll run me into Mondano ? ’
22 Perhaps you 'll join me ? ’
23 Perhaps you 'll join us ? ’
24 If you have any comments on these then perhaps you might pass them to me unless , of course , you wish to attend the next meeting .
25 Perhaps you might put it back into next week 's auction . ’
26 ‘ Well , perhaps you might allow me to go for a walk from time to time , instead of waiting around in the servants ’ hall .
27 Perhaps you would tell me if your position is that of agnosticism or of atheism .
28 If you are interested perhaps you would give me your name at the end of mass .
29 Perhaps you would phone me at home ( ) during the week running up to this date to let me know where I need to meet you .
30 ‘ Or perhaps you would like me to inveigle her out of her self-imposed purdah and come up here instead of you going down to Four Winds . ’
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