Example sentences of "over a period of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Over a period of decades , however , the location of economic activity changes .
2 A recent report by the National Radiological Protection Board ( NRPB ) said the iodine-131 may have killed 13 people through cancer of the thyroid over a period of decades .
3 The ‘ depoliticization ’ of the popular press , according to Curran and Seaton , can be seen in the reduction of space allocated to ‘ political affairs ’ , namely , political , social and economic news , over a period of decades .
4 At least for declarative memory ( Chapter 4 ) there is a transition , over a period of minutes to hours , from the initial and labile short-term phase to long-term , stable memory .
5 Later , the project was able to borrow a more advanced flux-gate magnetometer and the preliminary conclusions from Rodney Hale , an experienced electronics engineer , as a result of further work , are that there is a magnetic field within the circle which fluctuates relative to that outside over a period of hours .
6 E-selectin is up regulated on endothelial cells over a period of hours after stimulation by inflammatory mediators .
7 Clearly memories are not formed instantaneously , as if by throwing a switch , but are built up over a period of hours after the event to be memorized has occurred ; during this build-up the form in which any memory is stored changes .
8 This success lies behind his translation to Canterbury in the following year ; thereafter , until his death in 1381 , he presided over a period of taxation the scale of which exceeded even that of the early years of the reign .
9 Chop it up into elephant steaks , bung it into the deep freeze , and over a period of say two , three years , every Friday night have an elephant steak , but in three years ' time , I will have actually achieved my objective .
10 The fruit trees would be moved in stages , over a period of years .
11 For reasons which never seem quite convincing , given the tediousness of the material and the fact that the three do not even believe in it , this becomes an obsessive hobby over a period of years .
12 In particular Ramsey helped the Anglo-Catholic members of the Conference to take a more friendly attitude to the South India Church , which united a Church with bishops to Churches without bishops in a unified structure over a period of years .
13 After the grubs have eaten extensive ‘ galleries ’ in the wood over a period of years , with the resultant dust being emitted in bun-shaped pellets , the larva enters a pupal stage lasting three to six weeks and emerges as a fully grown beetle .
14 People 's eating habits and food preferences are learned ; they are habits that become ingrained over a period of years .
15 Studies using X-ray analysis have shown that some paintings , such as Renoir 's The umbrellas , were painted over a period of years , with several definite alterations and distinct stages involved in the painting .
16 Taxes and public spending to be set to reach a ‘ savings target ’ for the nation over a period of years .
17 The appearance of the new form was an abrupt event and the product was quite stable over a period of years .
18 A full and accurate assessment of land potential involves detailed enquiries into soil and climate and experience of the behaviour of the crops and livestock it carries , and this can only be achieved over a period of years .
19 He noted however that few computer-based circulation systems include as standard features the ability to cumulate data over a period of years , or to analyse the data as required , so that much in-house development of existing systems was necessary .
20 However in practice deterioration of stock inevitably sets in , through a variety of factors : original errors or omissions in selection ( for the reasons suggested above ) ; poor control of withdrawals and replacements ; fluctuations in funding over a period of years ; fluctuations in demand caused by changes in the constituency , or changes in their needs .
21 As the saying goes ‘ we clicked ’ and thus began a friendship and correspondence between Ella Shields and me over a period of years until her death in 1952 .
22 In LEAs where a scheme of delegation has been in place over a period of years , the question of making more money soon arises .
23 At the Elysee , a spokesman said there could be ‘ modulations ’ in presidential commitments over a period of years , and indicated that the president could take Fabius 's advice in the area of research spending .
24 As couples live together over a period of years they will find more and more areas where decisions can be made without consultation because they will understand a lot of each other 's interests and desires .
25 A few months later , Harry Goodman responded with a full frontal attack , claiming that 9000 children in the care of the RCM had ‘ practically no Jewish contacts and that no effort had been made over a period of years to give these children some religious education ’ .
26 In this way many kept an account going at Gieves over a period of years for a modest monthly sum of two or three pounds .
27 Your body may have become out of shape through general neglect over a period of years , yet you can transform it incredibly in a matter of days with my unique dieting methods and special exercises .
28 These convertible issues are convertible into the underlying equity at a fixed rate over a period of years and usually on certain dates in each year .
29 He said : My impression is that what has been going on over a period of years has come from , or been led by , a small mafia group of MI5 who have contacts outside in one or two sections of the press , and a few self-appointed private enterprise security agents .
30 When established during the 1940s , nationalised industries were instructed to operate in the ‘ public interest ’ and to break even over a period of years .
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