Example sentences of "after [art] [adj] period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Robyn 's generation , coming up to university in the early 1970s , immediately after the heroic period of student politics , were oppressed by a sense of belatedness .
2 It is known that Dionysos was worshipped at Pylos shortly after the Minoan period on Crete and it is possible that his orgiastic cult was preceded by a Minoan proto-Dionysian cult .
3 All of them were ready for action after the long period of training , but when they arrived they found that a gale had brewed up .
4 Added to these was another important element , for the period of the festival was a time of licence : this was a necessary outlet in the community for the tensions repressed after the long period of hard physical toil .
5 Tipperary after local opposition , saying the Raybestos case was worse as the Ovens objectors were trying to force changes after the statutory period for planning objections had long passed : ‘ Foreign companies coming to this country and adhering to our planning conditions will begin wondering if they can go ahead at all if they see the assurances of the IDA and the planning authorities are not the final assurances . ’
6 After the exploratory period of 18 months , we hope to proceed by mid-1993 with full development , leading to a first order by the mid-1990s .
7 In expanding their empire , the British had habitually sought out local agents through whom to impose their authority , and though these arrangements often broke down after the initial period of contact , sometimes they did not .
8 The King of Spain got money from his empire in the form of bullion from its mines and , after the 60-year period from 1580 to 1640 in which Spain ruled over Portugal , so did the Portuguese empire .
9 After a variable period of fasting recording , depending on the assessment of the occurrence of a phase III , subjects were given an egg and mayonnaise sandwich , to stimulate the fed pattern .
10 Patients in their 80s now constitute 3.5% of those undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting at the Mayo Clinic ; 79% of 115 survivors were free of angina after a mean period of 29 months .
11 The case notes from all patients were reviewed and a follow up questionnaire was sent after a mean period of four years to those 72 still alive , of which 56 replied .
12 Similarly , it is shrewd of him to play for the internationalist vote after a prolonged period of sullen Little Englandism during which Labour threatened to withdraw from the Common Market and called into question this country 's role within Nato .
13 THE APPOINTMENT of Robert Louis-Dreyfus as Saatchi 's chief executive and Charles Scott as financial director comes after a prolonged period of musical chairs involving top management .
14 Renewed progress was made , after a prolonged period of decline , when Catherine II 's acquisition of the northern coast of the Black Sea initiated a major shipbuilding programme .
15 After a transitional period of three years from 1 January 1992 , such companies will only be operable as part of a solicitors ' incorporated practice .
16 The right to buy their home ( after a certain period of tenancy and subject to meeting financial criteria ) .
17 Coleridge was under contract to the Morning Post , and had to spend some time in London ; but in October 1799 he walked in the Lake District with William and John Wordsworth , and after a certain period of indecision arrived at Greta Hall , Keswick , with his wife and family in August 1800 .
18 After a certain period of time denying the cravings for fats and carbohydrates , the mind and body simply rebel .
19 Every loan should be followed up after a certain period of time .
20 Preparatory ground for the visit which marked the steady improvement in links between the two countries after a 15-month period of strained relations [ see pp. 37009 ; 37357 ; 37531 ] , had been laid in October after a high-level Indo-Nepalese task force , meeting in Katmandu , reached " complete " agrement on the details of a trade and transit treaty .
21 The Fitzwilliam Quartet recorded their cycle originally in the mid-1970s , shortly after a concentrated period of study with the composer .
22 After a three-year period in North America , Britten and Pears returned to the UK in 1942 at the height of the Second World War .
23 On Oct. 25 , 1989 , Japan had agreed to reschedule over $396,000,000 with Poland paying principal and interest in five years after a five-year period of grace .
24 These movements are preprogrammed " ballistic " responses whose velocities are determined by the anticipated distance of travel , ensuring that the eye arrives at the right place after a fixed period of time .
25 In many ancient cultures , indeed , the king was ritually sacrificed after a stipulated period of time .
26 Young people , the unemployed and women returning to work after a long period at home will have to show extra ingenuity to extract evidence of their work skills and potential from their life history .
27 Although mistrusting children , he showed an absorbed interest as he took the photographs and gazed at Henrietta ( fourteen ) , Samantha ( just ten ) and the baby Jacqueline ( now three and born after a long period during which Hugh had displayed a lack of interest in physical contact ) .
28 After a long period of deliberation , during which Craganour 's owner Charles Bower Ismay was seen to become ever more pale , the official announcement was given : the race went to Aboyeur .
29 To give judgment upon these presentments , the ancient machinery of the Forest Eyre was once more set in motion after a long period of general disuse .
30 What distinguishes the companies still with us after a long period of recession is that they are lucky — they do not seem to have been hit by the unexpected .
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